Mesa/Boogie Vacuum Tube Audio User Manual

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Thank you

for selecting a Mesa Engineering amplifier to be your instrument of choice

in your home or studio playback system. We know how many different products you had
to choose from and are honored that you have entrusted us with your hard-earned
entertainment funds. We have worked hard to make your new TIGRIS amplifier the best
and most comprehensive Tube Integrated we could conceive of and are confident that it
will provide you with countless hours of emotional satisfaction and musical enjoyment.

With this owner's manual, we have attempted to answer every possible question about
the TIGRIS we could think of as being asked. It is thus rather lengthy and contains much
information to which you need not refer until after your first listening sessions. If you're
impatient, Chapter 3 is all you should read now- it will take you through the correct
hook-up procedure step-by-step and have you up and running in less than half an hour.

Allow the tubes to warm up for 15 minutes while you stow away the packing materials.
Then make yourself comfortable with your favorite tunes and refreshments and discover
what we like to call:

"The Spirit of Art in Technology."

Cheers. Randall Smith, president and chief designer - Mesa/Boogie