MasterCard CPS-GTB-07 User Manual

Benefits, Guide to

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• Experimental/investigative services, or telephone consultations.
• Medical or dental expenses payable under any existing group health or accident insurance or

for any expenses incurred after your return to your city of residence.

• War or hostilities of any kind (for example, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil

commotion); confiscation or damage caused by any government, public authority or customs
official; risks of contraband; illegal activity or acts and military duty.

• Air travel, except as a passenger on a licensed aircraft operated by an airline or air charter company.
• Non-emergency services, supplies, or charges.
• Injury, illness, or loss due to normal pregnancy or childbirth, professional athletics or training,

participation in any athletic events that require payment of any entry fee, including training for
such event(s); mountain climbing, motor competition, intentionally self-inflicting harm.

Additional information:

• All medical transportation must be approved by both the attending doctor and the Assistance

Center staff. All other travel benefits must be approved in advance by the Center. All travel will
be scheduled, economy class, if original ticket(s) cannot be used. MasterAssist must be given
the return ticket(s), or must be reimbursed the value of unused ticket(s). Expenses without prior
approval of the Center will not be reimbursed. The maximum amount paid for travel and
repatriation costs, beside shipment of remains, is USD $10,000 on any single covered trip.

• By making a request for assistance, or a claim for health or dental benefits, you assign to AXA

Assistance the rights to receive benefits and/or reimbursement payable under other health or
dental insurance for covered services performed or paid for by AXA Assistance.

How to file a claim:

1. Call 1-800-MC-ASSIST to obtain a claim form. Report the claim within 60 days of the

completion of the care you receive, or we will not be able to honor your claim.

2. Complete and send the claim form with all documentation to the MasterCard Assistance Center.
Reminder: Please refer to the Final Legal Disclosure section.
*If a cardholder’s mailing address is in the State of New York, mileage requirement is not applicable.
The Beneficiary is entitled to obtain the following services:
Legal Referrals
MasterAssist provides referrals to lawyers or other legal service providers including the provider’s
name, address, telephone number, office hours, specialty and language resources. Whenever
there is sufficient information to do so, we shall refer you to two or more legal professionals so
that the Beneficiary may have the benefit of choosing. MasterAssist uses reasonable efforts to
ensure that its referrals are to legal service providers who meet the reasonable professional
standards of the country or city where the traveler is located. MasterAssist will also follow up
with the Beneficiary in each case to ensure that the service rendered was satisfactory.
Legal Assistance—Up to USD $1,000
If you are jailed (or threatened to be) following a road traffic accident, MasterAssist can appoint
and advance the fees of a lawyer. It is expressly understood and agreed upon that all costs are the
sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can be charged to the
cardholder’s account, subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.
Advance payment for bail bond—Up to USD $5,000
If you are jailed (or threatened to be) following a road traffic
accident, MasterAssist shall advance the bail bond. It is expressly
understood and agreed upon that all costs are the sole
responsibility of the cardholder, and can be charged to the
cardholder’s account, subject to authorization by the Card Issuer
MasterAssist will make available to Beneficiary:
• Information for preparing a journey
• Information on visas, passports
• Information on inoculation requirements for foreign travel
• Information on customs and duty regulations,
• Information on foreign exchange rates and value-added taxes
• Referrals to Embassies or Consulates

Repatriation of remains

In the event of the Beneficiary’s death, MasterAssist will
arrange for the repatriation of remains to the place of burial
in his/her country of residence. Transportation of remains will
be subject to international laws and regulations. It is
expressly understood and agreed upon that all costs are the
sole responsibility of the cardholder.

Prescription transfer/shipping

MasterAssist helps the Beneficiary replace lost or misplaced
medication or other important items such as eyeglasses or
contact lenses, by first endeavoring to find a local resource for
replacement, or by locating and arranging prompt shipment of
the item or its equivalent (subject to local law).
If you have a medical emergency away from home,

MasterAssist Medical Protection can help you get the best care. MasterAssist Medical Protection
is an insurance program.

What is covered:

• A global referral network of local physicians, dentists, hospitals, and pharmacies.
• Emergency treatment by a physician or dentist, for covered medical, surgical, and dental

conditions arising from illness or accidental injury incurred during your trip. Each covered
individual can receive up to USD $2,500 in coverage. (Because coverage is secondary, file
with your own insurance company first, then we’ll help cover the difference.) There is a
deductible of USD $50 per person, per trip.

• Coverage is limited to emergency medical services resulting from accidental injury or emergency

illness, which, if not treated immediately, could be expected by a prudent layperson to place a
patient’s life, or the life of an unborn child, in jeopardy or seriously impair the patient’s bodily
functions. Emergency illness benefits are limited to a maximum of USD $500 per day.

• If you’re hospitalized while traveling alone, we’ll make arrangements to obtain care. If needed,

we’ll pay for transportation to another medical facility or your home. If you’re traveling with
dependent children, we’ll arrange, and pay, for their return home if your hospitalization is
expected to last 8 days or more.

• When you’re traveling alone and hospitalized outside the United States for more than 8 days,

we’ll make and pay for travel arrangements for a round-trip, economy-class ticket to bring a
relative or close friend to you. If you need to recuperate in a hotel after hospitalization, we’ll
pay up to USD $75 a day, up to 5 days, to help cover hotel expenses.

• If you die while traveling, we’ll arrange for your remains to be sent home, pay for repatriation,

and help make arrangements for your travel companions(s) to get home. We would do the
same for you if your travel companion(s) should die.

• If one of your immediate relatives dies at home while you’re traveling abroad, we’ll pay for your

return to the United States.

• Coverage is secondary to any existing health and dental coverage (such as worker’s compensation,

disability benefits law, or similar law) whether or not a claim is filed under such insurance.

Who is covered:

• You, your spouse, and unmarried dependent children under age 22, traveling with you.

Where you’re covered:

• At locales 100 miles or more from your home*, except in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kampuchea,

Laos, Libya, Myanmar, North Korea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and other countries we deem unsafe.

When you’re covered:

• You’re covered from the day you leave until midnight of the 60th day of your trip, or the day

you return to your city of residence, whichever is sooner. If your trip is extended due to a
covered illness or injury, coverage extends to 48 hours after your return.

What is NOT covered:

• Services, supplies, or charges not prescribed by, or performed by, or upon the direction of a

physician or dentist, not medically necessary, rendered by other than hospital providers, not
legally obligated to pay in the absence of any coverage.









VAT Refunds on Business Travel Expenses

U.S. Companies are entitled to recover the Value Added Taxes (VAT) expenses that your company
employees incur on foreign business travel.
The VAT paid on hotel accommodations, employee meals, conferences, exhibitions, trade shows,
car hire, and similar business travel expenses are recoverable in most European countries.
The rules and scope of VAT recovery vary from country to country, but we will determine what is
eligible for reclaim and will handle all the claim processing and submissions to the VAT Refunding
To claim VAT refunds, it is essential that your company be able to provide the original hard-copy
supplier invoices on which you paid VAT.
MasterCard customers can avail themselves of a discounted fee based on a percentage of the
recovered VAT.
For information on our VAT recovery services and to commence your company’s VAT reclaim
process, contact:

U.S. Toll free:


Int’l. telephone:



[email protected]










MasterCard Global Service


provides worldwide, 24-hour assistance with lost and stolen card

reporting, emergency card replacement, and emergency cash advance. Call MasterCard Global
Service immediately to report your card lost or stolen and to cancel the account. If you need to make
purchases or arrange for a cash advance, with your issuer’s approval, you can receive a temporary
card the next day in the United States, and within two business days most everywhere else.
In the United States (including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands,
and Puerto Rico) and Canada, call 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747). When out-of-country
and in need of assistance, you can easily reach a specially trained MasterCard Global Service
Representative who can help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in any language. You can
call toll free from over 75 countries worldwide. Some of the key toll free MasterCard Global
Service telephone numbers are:

Austria ..............................................................................................0800-21-8235
France ..............................................................................................0-800-90-1387
Germany ..........................................................................................0800-819-1040
Hungary ..............................................................................................06800-12517
Ireland. ............................................................................................1-800-55-7378
Italy ......................................................................................................800-870-866
Netherlands ....................................................................................0800-022-5821
Poland ..........................................................................................0-0800-111-1211
Portugal ..............................................................................................800-8-11-272
United Kingdom ..................................................................................0800-96-4767

For additional information, or for country-specific toll-free telephone numbers not listed above,
visit our Web site at or call the United States collect at 1-636-722-7111.

Account Information and Card Benefits

When in the United States, contact your card issuer directly for account information and
1-800-MC-ASSIST for card benefits. When traveling outside the United States, call
MasterCard Global Service to access your card issuer for account information or to access any
of your card benefits.

issued by U.S. financial institutions. The United States is defined
as the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia, American
Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. No
person or entity other than the MasterCard cardholder shall have
any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits,
insurance proceeds and damages under or arising out of these
programs. These benefits do not apply if your card privileges
have been cancelled. However, insurance benefits will still apply
for any benefit you were eligible for prior to the date that your
account is suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and
conditions of coverage.

Transfer of rights or benefits: No rights or benefits provided
under these insurance benefits may be assigned without the prior
written consent of the claim administrator for these benefits.

Misrepresentation and Fraud: Benefits shall be void if the
MasterCard carholder has concealed or misrepresented any material facts concerning this

Due Diligence: All parties are expected to exercise due diligence to avoid or diminish any theft,
loss, or damage to the property insured under these programs. “Due diligence” means the
performance of all vigilant activity, attentiveness, and care that would be taken by a reasonable
and prudent person in the same or similar circumstances in order to guard and protect the item.

Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits, the insurance company is entitled to
recover such amounts from other parties or persons. Any party or cardholder who receives
payment under these benefits must transfer to the insurance company his or her rights to
recovery against any other party or person and must do everything necessary to secure these
rights and must do nothing that would jeopardize them, or these rights will be recovered from the

Salvage: If an item is not repairable, the claim administrator may request that the cardholder or
gift recipient send the item to the administrator for salvage at the cardholder’s or gift recipient’s
expense. Failure to remit the requested item for salvage to the claim administrator may result in
denial of the claim.

In no event will these insurance benefits apply as contributing insurance. The non-contribution
insurance clause will take precedence over the non-contribution clause found in any other
insurance policies.

Benefits listed in this Guide are subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions described in
each benefit section. Receipt or possession of this Guide to Benefits does not guarantee
coverage or coverage availability.

FLD-2 (3/05)

This Guide is intended as a summary of services, benefits, and coverages and, in case
of a conflict between the Guide and the master insurance policies, or a member’s, or the
MasterCard actual offerings, such master policies or actual offering shall control.



Guide to


• Referrals to Interpreters
• Dispatch of an Interpreter
In case of imprisonment, hospitalization or circumstances that demand the services of an
interpreter, MasterAssist shall make the necessary arrangements to provide the Beneficiary with
an interpreter. It is expressly understood and agreed upon that all costs are the sole
responsibility of the cardholder, and can be charged to the cardholder’s account, subject to
authorization by the Card Issuer.
Cash advances Up to USD $5,000
In the event of lost or stolen cash, Travelers Checks, credit and charge cards or in the event that there
are no ATMs available at the Beneficiary’s location, MasterAssist shall advance cash to the Beneficiary
(to be charged to cardholder’s account and subject to authorization by the Card issuer).
Urgent message relay
Transmission of urgent messages from the Beneficiary to relatives, business associates, friends
residing in his/her country of residence and vice versa.
Luggage assistance
MasterAssist shall provide assistance in locating lost luggage and shall provide to the
Beneficiary regular updates on the location status.
Lost document, ticket replacement, and return trip assistance
In case of loss or theft of the MasterCard card, travel tickets, passport, visa or other identity
papers necessary to return home, MasterAssist will provide assistance in replacing them by
contacting local police, consulates, airline company or other appropriate entities.
In the event of loss or theft of the transportation ticket to return home, a replacement
transportation ticket can be arranged. It is expressly understood and agreed upon that all costs
are the sole responsibility of the cardholder, and can be charged to the cardholder’s account,
subject to authorization by the Card Issuer.
MasterAssist offers valuable emergency assistance services, however it is not insurance coverage.
Please keep in mind that you will be responsible for the fees incurred for professional or emergency
services requested of MasterAssist

Travel Assistance Services (such as, medical or legal bills).

Most of the assistance services are offered to the cardholder at no cost; however, according to
circumstances and depending on the nature of the requested service, AXA Assistance may have
to advance payment on behalf of the cardholder subject to the cardholder’s approval. In this
case, the advanced payment and associated delivery fees shall be reimbursed to AXA
Assistance through the debit of the cardholder’s MasterCard Card account, subject to prior
approval of the cardholder’s issuing bank. In the event approval for the charge is not granted
by the issuing bank, the payment coverage/monetary advance will not be provided



If your car breaks down on the road while you are traveling in the 50 United States or the
District of Columbia, just call 1-800-MC-ASSIST and tell us where you are.

We’ll send someone to the rescue. This is not only reassuring, but it may also save you
money because fees for many services (jump-starts, towing, gas delivery, tire changes) are
pre-negotiated. Road service fees will be automatically billed to your MasterCard Card account.

You are responsible for emergency road service charges incurred by towing facilities
responding to your dispatch, even if you are not with your car (or it’s gone) when the tow truck
arrives. MasterCard International is not responsible or liable for the service the towing facility
provides. Towing facilities are independent contractors, solely liable for their services.

Emergency road service is not available in areas not regularly traveled, in “off-road” areas
not accessible by ordinary towing vehicles, or for over one-ton capacity trailers, campers,
or vehicles-in-tow.

If you have a rental vehicle, be sure to call the car rental agency before you call
1-800-MC-ASSIST, as many rental agencies have special procedures regarding
emergency road service.

Reminder: Please refer to the Final Legal Disclosure section.

©2007 MasterCard


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To file a claim or request MasterAssist Services,

call 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747),

or en Español: 1-800-633-4466.

Visit our Web site at

Important information. Please read and save.

To file a claim or for more information on any of these services,

call the MasterCard Assistance Center at 1-800-MC-ASSIST,

or en Español: 1-800-633-4466.

MasterCard Commercial Guide to Benefits


“Card” refers to MasterCard


card, and “Cardholder”

refers to a MasterCard



MasterCard Guide to Benefits

Benefits that are always with you

This MasterCard Commercial Guide to Benefits describes the valuable programs
available to you as a cardholder of:

MasterCard BusinessCard



MasterCard Executive BusinessCard





Professional Card

World MasterCard


for Business Card

Debit MasterCard BusinessCard





Small Business Multi Card

MasterCard Corporate Card


MasterCard Corporate Executive Card


MasterCard Corporate Purchasing Card


MasterCard Corporate Fleet Card


MasterCard Corporate Multi Card



MasterCard Public Sector Travel Card


MasterCard Public Sector Purchasing Card


MasterCard Public Sector Fleet Card


MasterCard Public Sector Multi Card



MasterCard Government Travel Card


MasterCard Government Purchasing Card


MasterCard Government Fleet Card


MasterCard Government Integrated Card


ATM Locations

Call 1-800-4CIRRUS to find the location of a nearby ATM in the MasterCard ATM Network
accepting MasterCard


, Maestro


, and Cirrus


brands. Also, visit our Web site at to use our ATM locator. You can get cash at over one million ATMs
worldwide. Be sure you know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) before you travel in
order to enable cash access.









Important: Contact your card-issuing financial institution directly for questions concerning
your account, such as account balance, credit line, billing inquiries (including transaction
exchange rates), merchant disputes, or information about additional services not described in
this Guide. Your financial institution’s phone number should be available on your monthly
billing statement or on the back of your card.







This Guide is not a policy or contract of insurance or other contract.
Benefits are purchased by MasterCard and provided free to you, but non-insurance services
may have associated costs, which will be your responsibility (for example, legal referrals are
free, but the lawyer’s fee is your responsibility).

MasterRental, Purchase Assurance, Extended Warranty, and Travel Services Medical
Protection coverage are provided under a master policy of insurance issued by Virginia Surety
Company, Inc. This Guide is intended as a summary of benefits provided to you. All
information about the insurance benefits listed in this Guide is governed by the conditions,
limitations, and exclusions of the master policy.
As the insurer of the MasterCard coverage described herein, Virginia Surety Company, Inc.
(“VSC”) collects personal information about you from the following sources:

Information the insurer gathers from you, from your request for insurance coverage, or other
forms you furnish to the insurer, such as your name, address, telephone number, and
information about your transactions with the insurer such as claims made and benefits paid.
The insurer may disclose all information it collects, as described above, to companies that
perform administrative or other services on our behalf solely in connection with the insurance
coverage you have received. The insurer does not disclose any personal information about
former insureds to anyone, except as required by law. The insurer restricts access to personal
information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to
provide coverage to you. The insurer maintains physical, electronic, and procedural
safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your personal information. Should
you have any questions about the insurance procedures or the information contained within
your file, please contact the insurer by writing to:

Compliance Department
Virginia Surety Company, Inc.
175 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604

Effective date of benefits: Effective February 1, 2008, this Guide replaces all prior
disclosures, program descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any party. MasterCard and the
insurer reserve the right to change the benefits and features of these programs at any time.

Cancellation: We can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew the insurance
coverage for all cardholders. If we do cancel these benefits, you will be notified at least sixty
(60) days in advance. If the insurance company terminates, cancels, or chooses not to renew
the coverage to MasterCard, you will be notified as soon as is practicable. Insurance benefits
will still apply for any benefits you were eligible for prior to the date of such terminations,
cancellation, or non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.

Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to MasterCard cardholders whose cards are

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