Commonly asked questions what has – Mr. Coffee BMR 200 User Manual

Page 17

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What has

I t may

h a p p e n e d to



b l a d e ?

have been baked into the bottom of the loaf of bread. See step

12 on

page 10 for how to remove the kneader blade from the loaf.

Why is


flour used in most of the recipes?

Bread flour is high in protein. When kneaded the protein produces gluten that
gives bread a strong structure more tolerant of variations in the recipe, weather
conditions etc., than all-purpose flour.

Can I use all- purpose

flour in my breadmaker?

You may use all - purpose flour, however, the bread will be lower in volume and the

texture will b e slightly different than bread made with bread flour. Because the
bread structure is less strong’ than when bread flour is used, breads made with


all-purpose flour aren’t as tolerant


additional ingredients such as fruit, grains

or vegetables.’

Can I use self-rising flour in my breadmaker?

No, the leavening in self-rising

flour interferes with the yeast, and the result

will not be satisfactory.

what is

g l u t e n ?

Gluten is the insoluble protein found in wheat flours. Hard wheat has a higher

g l u t e n content that soft wheat. Gluten is formed when liquid is added to flour and
kneaded. Gluten is the foundation of a good loaf of bread.

Can I use my favorite


recipes in my breadmaker?

You can if you are wilting to experiment. Unfortunately, there is no tried-and-true

formula for doing
down to fit the

this because bread recipes vary. The recipe needs to be scaled

flour restrictions of your breadmaker (4 2 / 3

cups for BAKE settings,

4 1/2 cups for ROUGH setting). You will have to figure amounts mathematically.
(For example, if a favorite recipe uses 7 1/2

to 8 cups of flour, because your

breadnaker has a maximum amount of 4 2/3

cups of flour for baked recipes you

could begin by using 4 cups of flour and one-half of the amount of remaining

Ingredients.) Use the same order of adding ingredients to the inner pot as
recommended in our recipes.