6. setup screens – Miller Electric 460Volt User Manual

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OM-188 304 Page 24

5-6. Setup Screens

To access Setup screens: turn

welding power source Off, press

and hold Select push button, turn

unit On, and hold push button down

until initial screen leaves.
To exit Setup screens, turn welding

power source Off and then On

again. Parameters that are dis-

played when the Setup screens are

exited are active.

Accessible Programs Screen

Select second line of display, and

press Increment or Decrement but-

ton until Accessible Programs is

Select third line of display and press

Increment or Decrement button to

access each program and the three

modes as desired. Select the fourth

line and press Increment or Decre-

ment button to define each option

On (accessible) or Off (not accessi-

Programs and modes that are de-

fined Off are not shown when the

operator scrolls through the dis-

plays in normal operation.

Language Screen

Select second line of display, and

press Increment or Decrement but-

ton until Language is displayed. Se-

lect third line of display and press

Increment or Decrement button un-

til desired language is shown. The

choices are English, French, Ital-

ian, Spanish, and German.


S e t u p

L a n g u a g e

> E n g l i s h


S e t u p

A c c e s s i b l e

P r o g r a m s

M a n u a l

P u l s e

M i g

> O f f

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