Mio MioMap v3.2 User Manual
Page 38

the visibility of Petrol Stations in the Services category, but all brands listed under
that will either be shown or suppressed together).
Groups shown with a grey icon
are hidden; blue icons
are visible on the map,
while the ones shown in two colours
have some of their subcategories shown and
some others hidden.
If you highlight any of the POI groups by tapping them, the button in the bottom left
corner will become Show if the POI group is hidden, or Hide if the group is shown or
partly shown.
Tip: To make a partly shown group fully shown, tap this button twice. First you will
hide the whole group, and then you will have it displayed with all its subgroups.
Tapping again the highlighted POI group (except for My POI – described later) opens
the list of subcategories of that group. Here you cannot see bicolour subgroups, as
visibility can only be set for the top two levels of categories. Showing and hiding a
subgroup is done the same way as for the main groups.
Manage My POI
By highlighting then tapping again the My POI switch on the Manage POI main
screen you can manage the POI groups and items that you have created.