METRObility Optical Systems 8100 User Manual
Page 67

Remote Network Monitoring 67
History Information
History Control Data Source
10M segment/100M segment
History Control Owner
Name assigned as the Owner.
History Control Bucket Request
Number of sample buckets requested
History Control Bucket Granted
Number of sample buckets that were granted
History Control Status
History Control Interval
The interval in seconds, between bucket
Readable Frames
Total readable frames received
Drop Events
The number of events in which packets were
dropped by the monitor because of lack of
A whole number representing the total
readable octets received
Total packets received including bad packets,
broadcast packets and multicast packets
Broadcast Frames
Total packets received that were directed to
the broadcast address
Multicast Frames
Total packets received that were directed to
the multicast address
Percent utilization
CRC Alignment Errors
The total CRC alignment error frames within
the proper size of 64 – 1518 octets received
Undersize Packets
Total packets received that were less than
64 octets
Oversize Packets
Total packets received that were greater than
1518 octets long
Total fragments received
Total jabbers received
Total collisions