Mini SPARE AIR User Manual
Page 16

NOTE: Always refill SPARE AIR immediately after use,
so the system is ready for subsequent use.
CAUTION: DO NOT stand directly over top of
SPARE AIR regulator while filling.
A feature of this adapter is that as you rotate the knurled ring
on the adapter to the right it automatically closes the vent.
When unscrewing to the left it vents the pressure, allowing the
adapter to unscrew easily.
1. Unscrew black knurled Cap from the SPARE AIR Check
Valve filling port.
2. Place the Adapter onto Check Valve and turn the knurled
part of the adapter to the right until finger tight.
3. Attach Adapter to SCUBA tank valve.
4. Fill (Important: Gently open SCUBA valve to fill slowly, take
45 – 60 seconds to fill). The pin on the Pressure Indicator
will rise while filling and when flush with the top unit is full
at 3000 psi. For Dial Gauge option, unit is full when needle
points to 3.
5. Close SCUBA tank valve.
6. Turn the knurled part of the Adapter to the left to relieve
pressure in the adapter.