Before you begin, Site preparation & generator placement – Generac Power Systems OG 2697 User Manual
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Locate the mounting pad as close as possible to
the transfer switch and fuel supply.
Leave adequate room around the pad for
service access (check local code) and place
the pad high enough to keep rising water from
reaching the generator.
Choose an open space that will provide
adequate and unobstructed airflow.
Place the unit so air vents won’t become
clogged with leaves, grass, snow or debris.
Make sure exhaust fumes will not enter the
building through eaves, windows, ventilation
fans or other air intakes.
Dig a rectangular area approximately five
inches deep and about six inches longer and
wider than the footprint of the generator. Cover
with polyurethane film and fill with pea gravel
or crushed stone. Compact and level the stone.
Inspect the generator for shipping damage and,
if necessary, file a claim with the shipper.
Remove the bolts holding the generator base
frame to the wooden pallet.
Carefully read and follow all of the procedures and safety precautions detailed in the installation
guide. If you do not completely understand any portion of the installation manual, technical manual
or other factory-supplied documents, contact an authorized dealer for assistance.
Fully comply with all relevant NEC, NFPA and OSHA standards as well as all federal, state and
local building and electric codes. As with any generator, this unit must be installed in accordance
with current NFPA 37 and NFPA 70 standards as well as any other federal, state, and local codes for
minimum distances from other structures.
Contact the local inspector or city hall to make sure you are aware of all state and local codes and
regulations that could impact installation. Secure all required permits before starting the job.
Site Preparation & Generator Placement