Troubleshooting the hdmi over rgb – Gefen EXT-HDMI-5BNC User Manual

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Troubleshooting the HDMI Over RGB

Adjustments can be made to the HDMI Over RGB in the event that video fails to
appear on the output device. On each unit, sender and receiver, a bank of DIP
switches are present. These DIP switches help boost functions in each unit. The
sender unit contains a boost for the +5V that is being sent over the BNC cable
to power the receiver, and the receiver contains a boost for Hot Plug Detection
(HPD). These DIP switches may need to be enabled when the signal between
both units are weak. Use the instructions below to enable these functions.

When there is no video on the output device, fi rst try to boost HPD by enabling
DIP switch 1 on the receiver unit. The DIP switch bank is located on the
underside of the receiver unit and is covered with a piece of a metallic colored

1. Locate the DIP switch bank on the receiver unit.

2. Using a small pointed tool, change the position of DIP switch 1 to the ON


3. View the output device to see if the issue is resolved.

Operational power can be supplied by either an additional power supply or
by using 5 BNC cables (power is sent through the BNC port marked “RP”).
When the distance between the sending and receiving units are too great, the
operational power may be degraded enough to the point that the receiver unit will
fail to operate. The sender unit features a DIP switch that will apply a +5V boost
and ensure that enough power is being sent to the receiver unit. To enable this
feature DIP switch 2 on the sending unit must be in the ON position. The DIP
switch bank is located on the underside of the sender unit and is covered with a
piece of a metallic colored tape.

1. Locate the DIP switch bank on the sender unit.

2. Using a small pointed tool, change the position of DIP switch 2 to the ON


3. View the output device to see if the issue is resolved.