Giant PreRunner Jog Stroller User Manual
Page 3

STEP #7 - How to use the Giant PreRunner Jog Stroller braking
WARNING! Do not attempt to use the parking brake on a hill!
Do not leave a child unattended in the stroller even if the parking
brake is engaged!
Your Giant PreRunner stroller uses a braking system similar to a
bicycle. There is a brake lever at the handlebar that is connected
to a brake mechanism at the front wheel.
Squeeze the brake lever to make sure that it moves freely, but
does not bottom out against the handlebar.
Before using the stroller with a child test the brake and make sure
that you can cause the front wheel to seize using the brake lever.
If not, use the barrel adjusters at the brake lever and the brake
mechanism on the front wheel to adjust the cable tension until the
brake works to your satisfaction.
The brake lever can also function as a parking brake. To engage
the parking brake squeeze the brake lever and depress the button
on the brake lever body until it engages. To deactivate, squeeze
the brake lever until the parking brake button pops out.
You're should now be ready to use.
Copyright 2004 GIANT Bicycle Inc. all rights reserved 1/2004
STEP #5 - Safety Harness Instructions
Caution: Make sure both shoulder straps are the same length.
Open the buckle by depressing the tabs on the top and bottom
simultaneously. Be sure to release both sides of the buckle.
Move the harness straps out of the way and place the child in the
Put the child's arms through the loops formed by the shoulder/lap
straps so that harness lays over the child's shoulders.
Fasten the buckle by inserting the tabs from the shoulder/lap
strap into the buckle until you hear an audible click confirming
that the buckle is secured.
The tops of the shoulder straps should be parallel to or higher
than the shoulders of the child. If they are not, remove the
shoulder from the anchor strap and refasten to the anchor strap
that allows you to achieve the desired position of the shoulder
If the child is too large for the straps to be adjusted properly do
not use this stroller.
STEP #6 - How to fold the Giant PreRunner Jog Stroller
Push the safety button and pull the folding triggers on both sides
of frame then push down. The stroller can be to fold simply.
Use the fabric handle found between seat and footrest, which can
be used to carry the stroller for a short distance.
To unfold, lift the stroller by handlebar, and the stroller should
unfold automatically. Be sure the post inside the folding hinge is
locked into the frame tubing and the safety button on the folding
trigger is extended.