Cd and radio – GPX HOME MUSIC SYSTEM HC221B User Manual

Page 9

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listening to the AM or FM Radio

loading a CD

Radio Reception

Playing a CD

Programming a CD

1. Press the PoWeR button to turn

the player on.

2. Press the CD/RADIo button to

switch to radio mode.

3. Press the AM/FM button to switch

between aM and FM mode.

4. Turn the TUnInG dial to adjust the

aM or FM radio station.

1. Press the oPen/Close button to

open the CD door.

2. Insert a CD, label side facing up.
3. Manually close the CD door.

adjust the FM WIRe AnTennA to

adjust FM radio reception.

an aM antenna is built into the music

system. adjust the position of the

music system to adjust aM radio


1. Follow the instructions for loading

a CD.

2. Press the PoWeR button to turn

the player on.

3. Press the CD/RADIo button to

switch to CD mode.

4. Press the PlAY/PAUse button to

begin playing the loaded CD.

1. Follow the instructions for loading

a CD and Playing a CD.

2. Press the sToP button to stop the


3. Press the PRoGRAM button.
4. Press the sKIP/seARCH buttons to

select a track from the loaded CD

to play first.

5. Press the PRoGRAM button.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to program

tracks from the loaded CD to play

in the order they are selected.

7. Press the PlAY/PAUse button to

begin playing the programmed


8. Press the sToP button twice to

cancel the program.

CD and Radio