0 introduction (cont’) – EVA -2082S/920 User Manual

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Electro-Voice® EVA Series User Manual


1.0 Introduction (cont’)

Up to eight paralleled modules can be driven from a single amplifier channel capable of driving a 2.3-ohm
nominal impedance if at least two of the modules have the optional EVA-AM attenuation modules installed.

All EVA modules contain two vertically stacked EVS2008 8-inch (203 mm) LF drivers and two pairs of
DH2005 1.25-inch-diaphragm (32 mm) HF drivers. Each driver pair is mounted on a Hydra™ plane-wave
generator, the two of which are vertically stacked. The internal shading network can attenuate either the
upper or lower HF driver pair by 3 dB.

The standard EVA indoor versions are finished in tough EVCoat™. In addition, all EVA modules are avail-
able in two levels of weather resistance. The FG versions, e.g., EVA-2082/906-FGB, are designed for full
weather exposure and feature a fiberglass-finished enclosure, stainless-steel hydrophobic grille and the
CDG dual-gland-nut input-panel cover. The PI versions, e.g., EVA-2082S/906-PI, are rated for indirect
outdoor exposure only in protected areas, such as under a roof overhang, and feature a stainless-steel hy-
drophobic grille and CDG dual-gland-nut input-panel cover on an enclosure finished in standard EVCoat.
External fasteners on all EVA systems are stainless steel.

All EVA modules are available in black or white and are supplied with the hardware necessary to fasten
one module to another and two cosmetic end caps, which give the finished array a smooth and unclut-
tered appearance. (The end caps on FG fiberglass versions are also finished in fiberglass.) Black is indi-
cated by BLK or B at the very end of the complete model number and white is indicated by WHT or W at
the very end of the complete model number, e.g., EVA-2082S/906-BLK and EVA-2082S/906-PIB.


standard grids for typical down angles with small arrays, or top and

bottom suspension for extreme down angles in large arrays.


extended grids for extreme down angles in small to medium arrays

and typical down angles in large arrays.

The two different grid options (EVA-SG and EVA-EG) are sold separately. Consult EVADA software
for proper grid selection.


optional second spreader bars for the standard and extended

grids, to be used when two-point front-to-back hangs are desired. Note: the need to maintain sufficient
pressure on the forward rigging point will limit the amount of down angle available with the standard
EVA-GRID in this configuration.


optional dual-gland-nut input-panel cover to protect the input connections from water. Note that

this cover is supplied with the weather-resistant versions of EVA modules.


optional single-gland-nut input-panel cover to protect the input connections from water.


optional input-panel cover equipped with dual Neutrik Speakon® NL4M connectors, providing a

quick-disconnect alternative to the standard Phoenix screw-terminal input connectors.