GameTime PM0503-08 User Manual

Page 15

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10. Select Automatic or Manual, depend-

ing on how you are connecting to the

Automatic: The automatic setting is
for cable or DSL connections using
dynamic IP addresses. Contact your
Internet service provider if you are un-
sure of what kind of IP address they
use. For Automatic connections, con-
tinue with step 11.

Manual: The manual setting is for cable
or DSL connections using static IP ad-
dresses. Contact your Internet ser-
vice provider if you are unsure of what
kind of IP address they use. For Manual
connections, continue with step 13.

Automatic Only

11. After selecting Automatic, press the

Setup button. The game will prompt
you to confirm the default Server IP,
Primary DNS and Secondary DNS in-
formation. Touch the NEXT button to
accept these defaults. A screen ask-
ing, “Do you want to continue?” will
appear. Select NO, then touch the X on
the Internet Setup Screen to return to
the Player Menu Screen.

Press the Merit Link button. If your
connection was successful, a regis-
tration page will appear.

12. Continue with the GTnet Content and

Merit Link User Guide sections of
this manual for a description of fea-
tures and instructions on how to get

Manual Only

13. After selecting Manual, press the

Setup button. The game will then
prompt you to enter the Static IP Ad-
dress. Enter the Address given to you
by your service provider and touch the
NEXT button. Then, enter the Gate-
way given to you by your service pro-
vider and touch the NEXT button. The
Server IP, Primary DNS Address and
Secondary DNS Address will already
be filled out. Touch NEXT to accept the
default information. Touch the NEXT
button to accept these defaults. A
screen asking, “Do you want to con-
tinue?” will appear. Select NO, then
touch the X on the Internet Setup
Screen to return to the Player Menu

14. Press the Merit Link button. If your

connection was successful, a regis-
tration page will appear.

15. Continue with the GTnet Content and

Merit Link User Guide sections of
this manual for a description of fea-
tures and instructions on how to get