Before you start, Preface, Safety informaton – GE E1486TW User Manual
Page 3

Before You Start
Thank you for purchasng ths GE dgtal camera.
Please read ths manual carefully and keep t n a
safe place for future reference.
© Copyrght 2010 General Imagng Company. All
rghts reserved.
No part of ths publcaton may be reproduced,
transmtted, transcrbed, stored n a retreval sys-
tem, or translated nto any language or computer
language, n any form, by any means, wthout
the pror wrtten permsson of General Imagng
All trademarks mentoned n ths manual are used
for identification purposes only and are properties
of ther respectve owners.
Safety Informaton
Please read the followng mportant nformaton
carefully before usng the product.
• Do not take apart or attempt to servce the
camera yourself.
• Do not drop or knock the camera. Improper
handlng may damage the product.
• Turn off the camera before inserting or remov-
ng the battery and memory card.
• Use only the type of battery and charger that
came wth your camera. Usng other types of
batteres or chargers may damage the camera
and nvaldate the warranty.
• When usng Lthum batteres n ths prod-
uct, ensure that they are nserted correctly.
Insertng the batteres upsde down can cause
damage to the camera and possibly start a fire.
• Do not touch the camera lens.
• Please not expose the camera to harsh envron-
ments such as mosture, or extreme tempera-
tures, whch may shorten the lfe of your camera
or damage the batteres.