Index – Epson EX21 User Manual
Page 91

A/V Mute
button, 38
display settings, 50, 55
A/V Mute slide
closing, 38, 51, 65
opening, 27, 38, 71
Accessories, 11 to 12
Air filter
cleaning, 58 to 59
ordering, 11
replacing, 59
Altitude, 51, 70, 83
Anti-theft device, 11, 17, 56
Aspect ratio, 35 to 36, 48, 81
cable, 26
connecting equipment, 26
controlling volume, 40
problems, troubleshooting, 76 to 77
turning off (using A/V Mute), 38
Auto Iris setting, 46
Auto Setup setting, 47
Background screen settings, 50, 55
Bands, vertical, 75
Batteries, replacing, 64
Blackboard color mode, 35
Blurry image, 74 to 75
Brightness, 81
Brightness Control setting, 49, 60, 63
Brightness setting, 46
audio, 26
component-to-VGA, 12, 21, 23
composite, 21
illustrations, 14
ordering, 11 to 12
security, 56
S-Video, 12, 22
USB, 12, 19 to 20
VGA, 20, 24
Capturing image, 54 to 55
Carrying cases, 12, 65
Ceiling mount, 11, 18
Chalkboard, projecting on, 35
air filter, 58 to 59
lens, 58
projector case, 58
correcting, 35, 45 to 46
problems, 76
saturation, 46
settings, 46
temperature, 46
Color Mode, 35, 46
Component-to-VGA video cable, 12, 21, 23
Composite video cable, 21
connecting to, 18 to 21
selecting source, 32
Connecting projector
to audio equipment, 26
to computer, 18 to 21
to external monitor, 25
to video equipment, 21 to 24
Contrast ratio, 9, 81
Contrast setting, 46
Control Panel Lock setting, 49, 55 to 56, 71
Custom screen, see User’s Logo