Troubleshooting tips – Greenway Home Products VWD5206W User Manual

Page 8

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Possible Cause

Suggested Solution

Water dispenser

Small pin hole or crack in the bottle.

Conduct water bottle leak test outlined

or dispensing tap

(common with recycled water bottles)

on page 4.

is leaking

Water was poured directly into bottle

Drain by pressing dispenser taps.

support collar and overflowed.

Possible air pocket.

Press both taps several times to relieve air pocket
and release to re-set valve.

Water is not

All the water in the tank has been used.

Replace with full bottle and wait 30

cold enough

minutes for the water to cool.

The unit is unplugged.

Plug it into the outlet.

The circuit breaker in your home is

Reset the breaker or replace the fuse in your home.

tripped or the fuse has blown.

Power switch not turned on at

Turn the switch to the ON position.

back of unit.

Temperature limit tripped.

Set power switch to OFF position,
wait 5 minutes, then set power
switch to the ON position. Wait 30
minutes for the water to cool.

Thermostat needs to be adjusted colder.

Adjust thermostat between min (cool) and max
(colder) levels to achieve desired temperature.

Water dispenser

Empty water bottle.

Replace with full bottle.

is not dispensing water

Mineral deposits clogging tank.

See Cleaning the Inside of the Dispenser. (pg 6)

Possible air pocket.

Push down on the dispenser taps to prime
the unit.

Possible ice build up due to thermostat

Unplug overnight, then reset. Set thermostat

set too cold.

to MIN, slowly increasing based on your use
and need for cold water.

Water dispenser is noisy

Bottle making a gurgling noise as it

This is normal.

fills the tank.

Water dispenser is uneven.

Make sure the dispenser is on an even
surface that can support its full weight.