Site planning – Grizzly G5955 User Manual

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G5955 Heavy-Duty Hanging Air Filter

Site planning is an important step to maximize the
effectiveness of the hanging air filter. Air circula-
tion must be thought out and all obstructions to
the air path considered.

Think of air circulation in terms of the circular
motion of the air before and after the air filter. The
air entering the filter is exhausted at a higher
velocity than that entering it. Consequently, the
exhaust can have an effect on the pattern of cir-
culation. For this reason the G5955 Hanging Air
Filter is supplied with a directional vent which
allows the user to direct the flow of circulation.
However, while this will optimize a good layout as

Figure 4

, it will have a limited effect when the

hanging air filter is placed incorrectly in the room

Figure 5

). When placed too close to obstruc-

tions, the velocity of the air is lost and circulation
is diminished. Below is a list of things to keep in
mind when selecting a spot for the air filter.

Study your shop layout and try to determine
the best location for the hanging air filter. Air
flow that is obstructed will cause a short
cycle effect producing unsatisfactory results.
There must be a clearance of at least 12"
from any obstructions in front and back of the

Try to place the air filter in front of high dust
producers like sanders or near areas where
sanding will take place.

Do not place the hanging air filter where
garage doors may pass closely or where it
may impede transport or movement any
other object.

Try to place the unit where it is easy to
access for turning it on, cleaning and mainte-

Site Planning

Figure 4.

Good circulation. The air filter place-

ment promotes circular air motion.

Figure 5.

Poor circulation. Placed too close to

the wall, the air circulation short cycles leaving

much of the room unfiltered.

