More life-changing insights for your patients, More meaningful support for you, Motivates patients to improve self-management – Guardian Technologies Glucose Monitor User Manual
Page 4: Simplify new patient starts, Rely on trusted customer support

The Guardian RT system provides increased
patient satisfaction and control
In a pilot study of 16 people using
the Guardian RT*:
94% used REAL-Time glucose readings
and/or alarms to control glucose levels
81% reported greater satisfaction with
their glucose control
75% adjusted their insulin delivery based
on the REAL-Time readings
63% changed their diet based on the
REAL-Time readings
31% made lifestyle changes based on the
REAL-Time readings
Motivates patients to improve self-management
Life-changing impact: Continuous glucose monitoring insights can help educate and
motivate diabetes patients, which can have a profound effect on a patient’s attitude,
self-management and way of living
— This means that you can focus more on helping patients to optimize their therapy and
less on managing basic therapy adherence
More life-changing insights for your patients
More meaningful support for you
Medtronic Diabetes helps you and your patients get started on the
Guardian RT system
The Guardian RT system is designed to be easy for patients to use. Plus, when you partner with Medtronic
Diabetes you’ll get the support you need before, during and after patients get started.
Simplify new patient starts
3-step CGM interpretation methodology makes it
easy for you to analyze continuous glucose monitoring
— Learn how to quickly review reports of the overnight,
pre-prandial, and post-prandial periods to assess your
patient’s glucose control for optimal diabetes
Helpful training and educational tools familiarize you and
your patients with the system and its use
Certified specialists train your staff, which helps you
to train your patients
Rely on trusted customer support
24-hour Helpline — available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at absolutely no cost to patients.
We’re the only company to provide highly trained technicians who answer your call personally,
unlike other companies that need to page professionals first
More support professionals and services than any other diabetes technology company
To learn more about the
3-step CGM interpretation
methodology contact
your local Medtronic
Diabetes representative
“When he saw his own fluctuating blood glucose on the
computer after having used the glucose sensor for three
days, he suddenly seemed to understand. Insulin doses
were adjusted, and he became more motivated to eat
regular meals with better content. HbA1c decreased
within a few months from 9.4% to 7.6%.”
– Excerpt from a case study of an 18-year old diabetes patient motivated by
continuous glucose monitoring to transform his poor self-management
The knowledge and insights provided by the Guardian
RT system can dramatically improve the way your
patients manage their diabetes to help them achieve optimal glycemic control. This life-changing technology
is also easier for you to manage with the hands-on training and support provided by Medtronic Diabetes.
For Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients: The Guardian RT
system is indicated for use in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
patients who desire better glucose control to improve their
health and quality of life
*These study results are preliminary. A randomized, controlled, multi-center
study has recently concluded and a study analysis is currently underway.