Global Machinery Company BJ600 User Manual
Page 12

Making an edge to edge joint
Centreline Mark(s)
1. Position the 2 pieces together and draw a reference mark
at 90º to the centre point of each proposed joint location.
Space the joints about 4 inches apart.
2. Set the cutting depth to suit the biscuits you are using.
Generally, #20 biscuits suit most applications. If you are
using stock that is 482.6mm thick or less, you will need
smaller biscuits.
3. Adjust the height of the fence as required. Typically this
is centre to the material thickness. There is a red marker
on the side of the machine to indicate where the blades
extends out from.
4. Place the cutting guide at the centre point of each
slot in turn and press the fence against the edge
of the workpiece.
5. Switch on the biscuit joiner and plunge the blade forward
to make the cut.
6. Allow the return spring to retract the blade from the slot
and then switch off.
7. To cut a slot in the edge of the matching workpiece,
place this piece on a flat surface and place the biscuit
joiner against the edge.
8. Again line up the centre point of each slot and make the cuts.
9. Once all the slots are cut insert a biscuit into each joint
and dry assemble the workpieces to ensure everything
lines up and fits.
10. Insert a water-based glue along the adjoining edges and
in to the slots.
11. When all slots have been cut, clean the edge and slots
of any remaining sawdust.
12. Place the biscuits into position and fit the matching
timber pieces together.
13. Clamp the boards and wipe clean any excess glue and
leave to set as per the glues specifications.
It is possible that thick pieces of timber may
require two biscuits at each location, one at a height
of about 1/3rd the thickness of the wood, and the other
at about 2/3rd the thickness.
Making a mitre joint
1. Slots for a mitre joint can be cut with the workpiece
secured flat on the bench and the fence tilted to the
required angle.
2. Position the 2 pieces together and draw a reference mark
at the centre point of each proposed joint location.
3. Place the cutting guide at the centre point of each slot
in turn and press the fence against the edge of the
4. Switch on the biscuit joiner and plunge the blade forward
to make the cut.
5. Allow the return spring to retract the blade from the slot
and then switch off.
6. Once all the slots are cut insert a biscuit into each joint
and dry assemble the workpieces to ensure everything
lines up and fits.
7. Insert a water-based glue into the slots.