Greenway Home Products MM281CBL User Manual
Page 4

Step 5
Get your helper and locate the top of your mantel. This top is very heavy. It will take 2 people to lift
and position it in place. Ensure the top goes over the positioning guide located on the header. The top
must go over this guide to be positioned correctly. Once the top is in place insert and tighten the 9
screws which hold the top in place.
Step 6
If you are using this mantel in a corner application, locate the triangular piece of wood which attaches
to the mantel to create the corner unit. You must attach this piece for all corner applications. Simply take
the triangle and slide the brackets with the holes onto the pins which are already attached to the
mantel. Once the triangle is attached push it up so it is level with the mantel and lock it into place. To
lock it into place simply turn the horizontal wooden blocks attached to the underside of the mantel into
a vertical position to support the weight of the triangle. The wooden blocks will sit half on the mantel
and half on the triangle if they are positioned correctly.