Graco ISPS002AC User Manual
Page 23

6 Speed Models • Modèles à 6 vitesses
• Modelos de 6 velocidades
LOW button controls
3 low-range speeds
El botón “LOW”
controla 3
velocidades lentas.
HIGH button controls
3 high-range speeds
El botón “HIGH” controla
3 velocidades rápidas
MUSIC button turns
music on and controls
El botón “MUSIC”
enciende la música y
controla el volumen
Le bouton “LOW”
contrôle les 3 vitesses
à portée basse
Le bouton “HIGH” contrôle
les 3 vitesses à portée haute
Le bouton “MUSIC”
active la musique et
contrôle le volume
Indicator lights
Luces indicadores
Voyants lumineux
TIMER button sets
swing time in 10-minute
El botón “TIMER” fija el
tiempo de funcionamiento
en periodos de 10 minutos
Le bouton “TIMER”
active la minuterie de
la balançoire en périodes
de 10 minutes
The lights indicate what speed is activated. The green lights indicate
the three low range speeds and the red lights indicate the three
high range speeds. For example, if the far right light is green,
speed 3 is activated.
Push the LOW button once for speed 1, twice for speed 2 or three
times for speed 3.
To turn swing off: press and hold either speed button.
Push the HIGH button once for speed 4, twice for speed 5 or three
times for speed 6.
To turn swing off: press and hold either speed button.
To go from speed 2 to speed 3, just push the LOW button once.
It is not necessary to start at lowest speed and move up. The swing
can begin directly at speed 5, for example, by pushing the HIGH
button two times. Or it can go from speed 6 to speed 2 by pushing
the LOW button twice.