Tips, How to clean your hand blender, Aliño para ensaladas y cremas (dips) – GE 681131067577 User Manual
Page 17: Your blender won’t, Splatter-free blending tips

Bebida De Piña Colada Baja En Calorías Y Alta En Proteínas
1 taza de leche descremada
cucharilla de extracto de ron
1 paquete de desayuno instantáneo de vainilla o 1 cucharada de mezcla de bebida de
vainilla de régimen
taza de trozos de piña
6 cubos de hielo
Combinar los ingredientes excepto el hielo en un recipiente alto. Procese la
mezcla en HI hasta que esté espumosa y suave. Añada los cubos de hielo de uno
en uno hasta que estén picados. Rinde 2 tazas.
2 tazas (1 pinta) de helado de vainilla
2 onzas de crema de cacao blanco
2 onzas de crema de menta
Combine los ingredientes en un recipiente alto. Procese en HI hasta que esté
suave. Si es necesario, detenga el licuado, levante la unidad de la mezcla y vuelva a
empezar. Rinde 2 porciones.
Kahlúa Escarchado
2 tazas (1 pinta) de helado de vainilla
taza de Kahlúa
taza de mitad leche y mitad crema
cucharilla de extracto de vainilla
Siga las instrucciones de la receta del Grasshopper. Rinde 2 bebidas.
Brandy Alexander
2 tazas (1 pinta) de helado de vainilla
2 onzas de crema de cacao
2 onzas de brandy
Siga las instrucciones de la receta del Grasshopper. Rinde 2 bebidas.
Aliño Para Ensaladas Y Cremas (Dips)
2 yemas de huevo
1 taza de aceite vegetal
2 cucharadas de vinagre
cucharilla de mostaza seca
cucharilla de sal
cucharilla de paprika
Bata las yemas en un recipiente profundo en HI hasta que estén espesas y de color
limón. Añada 3 cucharadas de aceite de una en una, bata hasta que la mezcla
empiece a espesarse. Añada el vinagre, mostaza, sal y paprika, batiendo hasta que
esté espeso. Añada el resto del aceite en un chorro continuo mientras licúa en HI.
Almacene en un recipiente hermético en el refrigerador. Rinde 1
• For thorough blending, add liquid
portion of recipe last (such as milk
to ice cream for a milk shake).
Exception: When blending a
powdered mix with a liquid, add
liquid first and then powder (such as
milk for a diet drink or water for a
soup mix).
• When processing bread, cracker and
cookie crumbs or chopping nuts, use
a heavyweight food-safe plastic bag
or covered container (see page 4).
• Cut all solids – cooked meats,
vegetables and fruit – into
approximately 1-inch pieces before
• Remember: The blender performs
its tasks in seconds – not minutes.
Stop blender and check the
consistency before contents become
too fine or overblended.
• Do not overload the motor with
extra-heavy loads such as stiff dough,
cream cheese dips or butter.
• If blending action in container
should stop during processing
before mixture is smooth, unplug
unit and remove ingredients from
blade with rubber spatula. Plug in
unit to complete blending.
• It may be necessary to stop blending
action and remove blade-end from
ingredients and reinsert several
times before mixture becomes
• To make beverages icy cold, add one
ice cube at a time (up to 6) to an
already-blended mixture. Raise and
lower blender in a steady motion
until ice is crushed.
Your blender is not designed
to crush larger quantities of ice.
• For fluffy shakes, aerate upper part
of mixture by raising blender from
bottom of container.
Your Blender Won’t:
• Whip egg whites or skim milk stiff.
• Mash freshly boiled potatoes.
• Grind raw meat, coffee beans, nuts
or whole spices.
• Extract juices from fruits or
• Chop fruits or vegetables without the
chopper attachment.
• Grate cheese or chocolate.
Splatter-Free Blending Tips:
Avoid lifting unit out of ingredients
while motor is on.
To prevent spillage: fill a container
about two-thirds full. Suggested
containers: use a tall plastic cup for
individual servings of drinks or
shakes. For larger blending, use
mixing bowl or measuring cup with
a 2-cup capacity or larger.
When processing dry ingredients,
How to Clean Your Hand Blender
CAUTION: Do not submerse the motor housing in water or place in the dishwasher.
Unplug the unit.
Sharp Blades.
For easy cleaning, place blade-end of
unit hot, running water immediately
after blending is completed.
Wipe motor-end of handle with a
damp cloth or sponge.
assembly are dishwasher safe. Do not
put chopper cover in dishwasher.
To reduce the risk of
electrical shock, do not immerse the
motor housing in water or place in