18" roof fan mounting, Installation – GSI Outdoors PNEG-524 User Manual

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PNEG-524 Roof Exhaust Fan



18" Roof Fan Mounting

The roof fan can be installed in the roof sheet before assembling the roof, or after the roof is
assembled. Locate roof fan so that inner roof structure does not interfere with installation.
The fan is secured by bolts that must be fastened from the inside of the bin roof, and therefore
the assembly should be made before the side walls are erected.

1. Using the loose flange from the fan assembly as a template, position the desired roof fan

location, allowing for 1" minimum between the roof sheet rib and the flange

(See Figure 5A)


Mark the sixteen (16), 3/8" mounting holes, and elliptical fan mounting hole.

2. Drill the sixteen (16), 3/8" holes and cut out the elliptical hole. Use the caulk provided, which

is specified as a seal for metal sheets in an outdoor application, and apply along the in side
edge of the drilled holes on the bin roof sheet

(See Figure 5A)


Figure 5A The 18" Template Location on the Roof Sheet (Left), and

the Caulking Location on the Roof Sheet (Right).

3. Place the roof fan into the elliptical hole from the outside of the roof sheet inward. On the

side of the roof sheet that will be inside the bin, position the loose mounting flange over the
fan tube. Using the sixteen (16) 5/16" x 3/4" bin bolts with the neoprene washer head to the
outside of the bin, secure the fan, roof sheet and flange with the 5/16" nuts provided.

(See Figure 5B)


Figure 5B The 18" Roof Exhauster Fan in Relation to the Roof Sheet.