GVision 3.54 User Manual
GVision Audio

GVI Release Notes – Version 3.54
January 12, 2007
Please ch
Maintenance Items in 3.54.............................................................................................. 4
Maintenance Items in 3.53.............................................................................................. 4
Maintenance Items in 3.52.............................................................................................. 4
Maintenance Items In 3.51.............................................................................................. 5
Known Issues In 3.54...................................................................................................... 5
Manual Addendum
Using GVI and the VSL Performance Tool
1. Download the Maple MIDI Router – Free from
2. Open GVI as a plug-in in your host DAW
3. Set the Performance Tool input to “physical in” and output to Maple MIDI router
4. Set the DAW track's input to the Maple virtual MIDI cable and its output to GVI
New Feature in 3.54
GSI Expansion Preference
A check box has been added to the GVI System Configuration window in the General tab
that when checked, forces stacked instruments to open in an expanded view state.
Without this box checked, stacked instruments will open in a collapsed view state.
New Feature in 3.53
Windows XP 64
GVI has been tested on Windows XP 64 systems and found to be compatible.