GSI Outdoors PNEG-630 User Manual

Page 65

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Portable Dryer Troubleshooting


Troubleshooting Tips

This indicates that one of the Motor Overloads

has tripped, shutting down the dryer. Each of the Motor
Overloads is located in the upper main power control
box. They are all wired into a single series circuit that
goes to the input/output board on terminal J4-12. Be-
fore the dryer will start terminal J4-12 must have 12
volts DC present, or the Motor Overload shutdown will

Visually inspect each of the overloads. You can

tell by looking at them if a trip has occurred. Simply
press the reset handle on the overload to reset it. After
resetting the overloads press the stop button to clear the

If no overloads are tripped try the following volt-

age tests: Using terminal J5-11 as the negative terminal
for all DC voltage checks. Look for 12 volts DC on
terminal J-419. This is the terminal that feeds power to
the Motor Overloads. If the 12 volts DC is present then
check for voltage on J4-12. During a Motor Overload
shutdown J4-12 should have zero volts. If you have
power going to and not returning to J4-12 inspect the
siring from J4-19 to the overloads and then back to J4-
12. If the wiring is okay, turn off all power to the dryer
and do a continuity check from J4-19 to J4-12. This
must be closed circuit to operate properly.


Each of the Motor Overload is run in a
series circuit. This means, if any of the
Motor Overloads trip, a shutdown will
occur. Visually inspect the overload to tell

which has caused the shutdown.


Even though GSI uses ambient compen-
sated overloads, hot weather or positioning
the dryer control box in the sunlight may
cause a Motor Overload shutdown to
occur. This can usually be tested by trying
to run the dryer with the control box door
open a little bit.


Each of the overloads has an adjustable
trip setting that can set up to 115 %. At
115% the overload will hold in longer
before it trips.


Always check amperages on the motors to
be sure that the problem is not in the
motor itself.


Remember that each motor has a built-in
service factor. This allow the motor to
actually run over the rated full load amps.
The motor manufacturers have allowed
GSI, on a number of applications, to run
motors over the full load amp rating. this
is possible because they are being used in
an air over application.

Motor Overload Helpful Hints

Motor Overload Shutdown