Firestore fs-3 user guide – FOCUS Enhancements FS-3 User Manual
Page 16

The FS-3 front panel features nine buttons. The
three buttons on the top row are “Soft Keys”
which allow different functions to be controlled
depending on the mode FS-3 is in. Use the
bottom line of the LCD display to identify the
current soft key function. The remaining six
buttons have a fixed function. Several of them
also feature a secondary function that can be
accessed by pressing the SHIFT key (usually
the right Soft Key).
FS-3 buttons have the following functions:
Soft Key 1 and STOP Key
Stops whatever is the selected mode and returns
FS-3 into Pause. A second press puts FS-3 into
STOP (standby with splash screen). Splash
screen is either a gray screen or first frame of
the selected clip depending on the PREVIEW
mode (see page 28 for more info.)
Soft Key 2
Dedicated soft key for triggering mode/function
that appears immediately above key in the FS-3
LCD display.
Soft Key 3 and SHIFT Key
Dedicated soft key for triggering mode/function
that appears immediately above key in the FS-3
LCD display. This key is also commonly used to
enter the SHIFT mode. To execute a shift function,
press SHIFT and another key at the same time.
Keeper Clip and Scene Marking Keys
FireStore FS-3 features the ability to quickly
mark clips during record and playback to a
single “Keeper” folder or multiple, prenamed
“Scene Marking” folders. It is possible to use
the front keypad for Scene Marking or Keeper
Marking but it is necessary to first select either
Keeper or Scene Marking under FOLDER
PREFENCES in the SETUP menu as it is not
possible to use both at once. See page 29 of this
User Guide for more information.
If you have selected the KEEP preference, it is
possible to mark the current clip by pressing
and holding Soft Key (3) followed by Soft Key
(2). KEEPER can be marked on the current clip
during recording, playback or in stop mode.
The KEEPER label and a relational line
between the two keys is silk-screened on the
FS-3 front panel. It is also possible to mark a
clip as a KEEPER using the KEEPER button
on one of the optional remote control units.
Once a clip has been marked as a KEEPER, an
asterix (*) will appear next to the track number
("X-XXX*) on the LCD. To add all clips
marked as a KEEPER to the Keeper Folder on
the disk drive, select UTILITIES ->
ORGANIZE FOLD from the FS-3 menu.
If you have selected the SCENE MARK
preference, pressing and holding Soft Key (3)
followed by Soft Key (2) allows you to mark
each clip into particular pre-named folders on
disk (up to 10 folders can be prenamed. Default
names for the folders are 0 through 9. See page
33 of this User Guide to setup Scene Marking
folders). By holding Soft Key (3) down and
repeatadly pressing Soft Key (2), it is possible
to scroll though the available folders. It is also
possible to SCENE MARK clips to folders
using the numeric keypad on the optional
remote control units. SCENE MARK can be
marked on the current clip during recording,
FireStore FS-3 User Guide