Index – FORD 1999 Explorer User Manual
Page 20

All-Wheel Drive System, The .......3
AWD Vehicle Operation ................6
Cargo, Hauling and Vehicle
Handling ......................................18
Differences in Four-Wheel
Drive ..............................................5
Driving Off-Road with 4WD .........9
Driving Off-Road with AWD .........9
Emergency Maneuvers .................7
Four-by-Four Operation ...............6
Four-Wheel Drive System, The ...3
Hauling Cargo and Vehicle
Handling ......................................18
Hills, Driving on ..........................12
If Your Vehicle Goes Off the
Edge of the Pavement ..................6
Introduction ..................................2
Lift Kits ........................................15
Maintenance and Modifications .17
Mud, Driving in ...........................10
Off-Road Driving ...........................9
Operating Your AWD Vehicle
on the Road ...................................6
Operating Your Four-by-Four
on the Road ...................................6
Parking ...........................................9
Sand, Driving in ..........................10
Snow, Deep, Driving in ...............12
Snow/Ice, Driving in .....................8
Tires, Replacement
Requirements ..............................15
Trailer Towing .............................14
Water, Driving in .........................12