Faria Instruments Performance IS0218 User Manual
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service flag and automatically reset the next
hour service.
The calculation will use the previous interval
value. When the operator stops at the “Clr
HrS” display and waits four seconds the
service interval will be changed.
4. The fourth menu item “Clr diS” (Clear
distance) allows you to reset the mileage
service interval.
The implementation is the same as number
3 above.
5. The fifth menu item “PPgn Hi” (Program
High axle) will allow the operator to enter
the pulses per mile or kilometer for the high
This number will depend on how your
particular sender is arranged. The maximum
pulses per mile or kilometer are limited
to 150,000. When you stop at the “PPn
HI” display and wait four seconds the
microprocessor will display six digits with
the left most digit flashing.
The number displayed will be the present
pulses per mile or kilometer rounded off to
the nearest 100 th. The right most digit will
be a “P” to remind the operator that they
are in the “Programming” mode. The digit
changes and inputs are the same as number 1
(Service Hours) above.
Also present is the same option to do nothing
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for 32 seconds and the microprocessor will
reset itself and will change nothing.
Holding the push-button on for four seconds
while a digit is flashing will make the
microprocessor compute the observation
window and will store this window and the
pulses per mile or kilometer rounded off
to the nearest 100 pulses in the EEPROM.
The display will now show “donE” and the
operator should release the push-button to
resume normal operations.
6. The sixth menu feature “PPgn LO”
(Program Low axle) is used to program the
low speed axle pulses per mile or kilometer.
This function is not operative.
7. The next item in the menu is the input level
control for the speed pulse input. The display
will show “ InPuT “.
If nothing is done for 4 seconds then the
display will change to “L n H” and the L
will be flashing and every 4 seconds the next
letter will flash.
If the button is pressed when any selection
is flashing, that input signal level will be set
to that level.
The choices are low, normal and High. Low