Driving on roadways – FORD 2004 Ranger User Manual

Page 7

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Emergency maneuvers

• In an emergency situation where a sudden sharp turn must be made,

remember to avoid “over-driving” your vehicle, i.e., turn the steering
wheel only as rapidly and as far as required to avoid the emergency.
Avoid abrupt steering, acceleration or braking which could increase
the risk of loss of vehicle control or vehicle rollover. Instead, smooth
variations of the accelerator and/or brake pedal pressure should be
utilized if changes in vehicle speed are called for. Use all available road
surface to return the vehicle to a safe direction of travel.

• In the event of an emergency stop, avoid skidding the tires and do not

attempt any sharp steering wheel movements.

• If the vehicle goes from one type of road surface to another (i.e., from

concrete to gravel), there will be a change in the way the vehicle
responds in steering, acceleration or braking. Again, avoid abrupt
inputs steering or braking inputs.

Snow and ice

Your 4WD or AWD vehicle will have advantages over two-wheel drive
vehicles in snow and on ice by providing increased driving traction.
However, if you suddenly change speed or direction, you may lose
traction and in turn, control as is the case with all vehicles. 4WD and
AWD vehicles can slide on slippery roads just like any other vehicle.
Should the rear end of the vehicle start to slide while cornering on
snowy or icy roads, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide
until you regain control. Avoid sudden braking as well. Although a 4WD
or AWD vehicle may accelerate better than a two-wheel drive vehicle in
snow and ice, it won’t stop any faster, because as in two-wheel drive
vehicles, braking occurs at all four wheels. Do not become overconfident
in the ability of 4WD and AWD vehicles to compensate for aggressive
driving maneuvers in poor road conditions.

Make sure you allow sufficient distance between you and other vehicles
for stopping. In emergency stopping situations, avoid locking the wheels.
• For vehicles without anti-lock brakes, use a “squeeze” technique: push

on the brake pedal with a steadily increasing force which allows the
wheels to brake yet continue to roll so that you may steer in the
direction you want to travel. If you lock the wheels, release the brake
pedal and repeat the squeeze technique.

Driving On Roadways