4 transmitting in maritex system – Furuno DP-6 User Manual
Page 75

7.4 Transmitting in MARITEX System
This section describes how to transmit a Telex message in
Basic Procedure
1. Register answerback code (Telex number assigned by
2. Register MARITEX frequency and channel to scan group.
3. Register station name including scan group name.
4. Retrieve appropriate macrofile. Include station name and mes-
sage file name. Type message and save file to memory.
5. Open macro operation menu and select macrofile. (See next
page for details.) Your message will be transmitted automati-
cally. Below is the sequence of automatic message transmis-
sion in MARITEX.
1) Search for free-signal
2) Call MARITEX station on MARITEX radio channel.
3) After connection is established, identity exchange
4) Transmission of service category and subscriber’s address
5) Transmission of message
6) Transmission of termination of message signal
7) Identity exchange
8) Clearing of radio circuit