Index – FORD 1999 Mustang User Manual
Page 209

Fluid capacities ....... 183
Foglamps ................... 53
Fuel .......................... 158
calculating fuel
economy ................ 164
cap ......................... 161
capacity ................. 183
the right fuel ......... 162
comparisons with
EPA fuel economy
estimates ............... 168
detergent in fuel ... 163
filling your vehicle
with fuel .. 158,161,164
specifications . 163,182
fuel pump shut-off
switch .................... 112
gauge ....................... 12
improving fuel
economy ................ 164
low fuel
warning light ............. 9
octane rating .. 162,188
quality .................... 162
out of fuel ............. 163
safety information
relating to
automotive fuels ... 158
Fuses ................. 113,114
Gas cap
(see Fuel cap) ......... 161
Gas mileage(see
Fuel economy) ........ 164
Gauges .................. 11,12
battery voltage
gauge ....................... 15
engine coolant
temperature gauge . 12
engine oil pressure
gauge ....................... 15
fuel gauge ................ 12
odometer ................. 13
speedometer ........... 13
tachometer .............. 14
trip odometer .......... 14
GAWR (Gross Axle
Weight Rating) ........ 106
definition ............... 106
driving with
a heavy load .......... 106
location .................. 106
GVWR (Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating) ........ 106
calculating ............. 106
definition ............... 106
driving with
a heavy load .......... 106
location .................. 106
Hazard flashers ....... 112
Head restraints ......... 64
Headlamps ................. 16
aiming ............. 175,176
specifications ........ 175
running lights .......... 16
flash to pass ............ 45
high beam ............ 7,45
turning on and off .. 16
warning chime ........ 11
Heating ...................... 18
heating and air
system ..................... 18
Hood ........................ 132
Ignition ..................... 188
positions of the
ignition .................... 45
removing the key .. 105