Page 23

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Er04 --

Error code 04 indicates the UPS inverter has malfunctioned. Contact Falcon Service.

Er05 --

Error code 05 indicates the UPS batteries are weak or dead and must be replaced.
Call Falcon Service upon receiving the message for further instructions.

Er06 --

Error code 06 indicates the UPS output has a short circuit connected to it.
Remove the connected equipment load from the UPS output and restart the UPS. If the
shorted output condition is corrected, determine the location of the shorted wiring or

Er07 --

EPO Mode.

Er08 --

DC Bus high voltage level out of specification. Contact Falcon Service.

Er09 --

DC Bus low voltage level out of specification. Contact Falcon Service.

Er10 --

Error code 10 indicates the UPS inverter has encountered an over-current condition.
This could indicate the connected equipment exceeds the output rating of the UPS.
Disconnect some of the connected equipment in an attempt to correct the condition.

Er11 --

Error code 11 indicates the UPS is in an over-temperature condition. Verify the ambient
operating temperature is not too high. Verify the UPS cooling fan operation.

Er12 --

Error code 12 indicates the UPS output is overloaded, similar to error code 10. This could
indicate the connected equipment exceeds the output rating of the UPS.
Disconnect some of the connected equipment in an attempt to correct the condition.

Er13 --

Battery charger malfunction. Contact Falcon Service.

Er14 --

Cooling fan failure. Contact Falcon Service.

Er15 --

Maintenance bypass initiated improperly. Refer to page 31, Maintenance Bypass section.

Er18 --

Internal software error, UPS programming reset to default values.

Er22 --

Static bypass malfunction. Contact Falcon Service.

Er24 --

Fixed 50 or 60Hz output mode programmed without turning off the bypass input circuit breaker
Should a fixed 50 or 60Hz output be desired, turn the bypass input circuit breaker off. To clear
error code 24, startup the UPS with the Bypass input circuit breaker turned off.

Er26 --

PFC over-current condition. Verify the UPS output is or has been overloaded.

Er28 --

The UPS output has experienced a 120% overload in bypass for over 2 minutes.
Bypass has been shutdown.

Er29 --

The battery charger is overcharging the batteries. Contact Falcon Service.

Er** --

Other error code, consult with Falcon Service.