Franklin German/English Dictionary DBD-4028DL User Manual

Page 13

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Understanding Definitions

Dictionary entries consist of headwords, pronunciation, parts of speech, and/or defini-
tions. Other forms of the word may follow the headword. After the definition, you may
see a list of usage examples.

Explanation of Genders

German nouns are different from English nouns in that they must either be masculine,
feminine, or neuter. Each definition of a noun indicates which gender it is with m, f, or

Correcting Misspellings

If you enter a misspelled word, a list of corrections appears.
Highlight the word you want and then press EINGABE to see its dictionary entry.

Choosing Multiple Forms

Some words in this dictionary have more than one form (e.g. resume, resumé,
). When the word you are looking up has multiple forms, the different forms
appear in a list. Simply highlight the form you want and press EINGABE to see its dic-
tionary entry. For example, enter resume at the dictionary Word Entry screen. Highlight
the form you want and press EINGABE to see its dictionary entry. To go back to the
Multiple Forms list, press
