Fisher & Paykel DishDrawer User Manual
Page 10

a c c e s s o r i e s
How to install the Mega Rack
To install the Mega rack, place the
outer legs of the rack on top of the
basket, and clip the Mega rack to
the side of the basket. When the
Mega rack is correctly installed it
should not feel loose in the basket.
a. Basket
The basket holds some of the accessories in place
and keeps the dishes above the spray arm. Without
the inserts, large bowls and pots can be placed flat.
b. Drain Filter Access Panel
The drain filter access panel is designed to snap
onto the basket over the drain filter. This prevents
objects from touching the base of the
and stopping the rotation of the
spray arm, while still giving access to the drain filter.
c. Mega Rack
The Mega rack is designed to hold glasses, cups
and small plates.
d. Plate Insert
The plate insert supports plates and bowls.
Cup Racks
Cups, glasses and kitchen
utensils can be placed on the
left and right hand side of the
cup racks. For best performance
ensure there are no large items
below, blocking the wash water
from reaching the cup racks.
Wine glasses can be supported
on the cup racks if used in
conjunction with the Mega Rack.
There are stops on the cup rack
to prevent cups from touching
wall. This will
help improve the dry and wash
Cutlery Basket
Cutlery, small kitchen utensils
and some plastic lids are best
placed into the cutlery basket.
For best wash performance, we
recommend loading cutlery with
handles pointing down and sharp
utensils with their handles facing
up, to reduce the risk of injury.
Mix spoons, knives and forks
within each section, to stop
cutlery nesting together and to
ensure the water circulates
freely. Keep stainless steel from
touching silver cutlery to avoid
staining. Use the oval slots
(spoon rack) for spoons and
teaspoons. Small items, like
plastic lids, can be placed under
the spoon rack, this will prevent
them from being displaced by
wash water and falling to the
bottom, where they may stop
the spray arm rotation.
The inserts and racks can be added or removed to suit your individual needs. If you have the double
some of the accessories are interchangeable between the two drawers. For example you can combine the two Mega Racks
into one drawer and wash all cups and glasses, leaving the other drawer for plates and larger items.