Replacement parts, Technical service, Accessories – FMI COMFORTFLAME CGFB32CC User Manual
Page 17
Purchase these accessories from your local
dealer. If they can not supply these accessories
call FMI PRODUCTS, LLC at 1-866-328-4537
for information. You can also write to the ad-
dress listed on the back page of this manual.
bloWeR kIt
bk - Squirrel Cage Blower With Speed
bk3 - Triple Fan Blower System
ReFRActoRy bRIck lINeR kIt
bl32s - Smooth White
h32b - Brushed Brass
h32p - Platinum
32" WAll mANtels
W32tu - 32" Unfinished, Traditional
W32to - 32" Oak Stain, Traditional
W32co - 32" Oak Stain, Classic
W32do - 32" Oak Stain, Dentil
W32Go - 32" Oak Stain, Georgian
32" coRNeR mANtels
c32tu - 32" Unfinished, Traditional
c32to - 32" Oak Stain, Traditional
c32co - 32" Oak Stain, Classic
c32Go - 32" Oak Stain, Georgian
louveR tRIm
For use with Rolled louvers only
lt32b - 32" Brushed Brass
lt32p - 32" Platinum
peRImeteR tRIm
pt32b - 32" Brushed Brass
pt32p - 32" Platinum
FAce/louveR pANel kIts
sp32 - 32" Smooth Faced Black
sl32 - 32" Stamped Louver Black
Rl32 - 32" Rolled Louver Black
Fp32 - 32" Filigree Panel Black
Fp32b - 32" Filigree Panel Brushed Brass
Fp32p - 32"Filigree Panel Platinum