Furuno 1932 MARK-2 User Manual
Inch daylight radar, Model, Furuno electric co., ltd

The FURUNO MODEL 1932 MARK-2 is a remarkable
4 kW radar designed for fishing boats and pleasure craft.
Radar images are painted in 8 gradations of green on
the daylight bright 10-inch CRT.
The MODEL 1932 MARK-2 has a variety of standard
features usually found only in commercial radars like
dual EBLs and VRMs, Echo Trails, Guard Zone Alarm*,
Off-center and a Watch Mode. Automatic control of
Catalogue No. R-168h
Super clear picture, Easy operation using programmable function keys
1932 MARK-2
4 kW transmitter output, 16 range
scales, 0.125 - 48nm
Rugged die-cast, display housing
3 data ports
User-programmable function keys
Automatic optimization of radar
Enhanced short range performance
Cursor position data, tracked target
data* and radar system data output
(*TTM target data output with optional ARP-10)
Head-up, Course-up, North-up and
True Motion Presentations
Economy Power Mode, Guard Zone
Alarm* and Watch Mode
Optional Autoplotter ARP-10**
(10 targets auto/manual acquisition
and auto tracking
*US patent No. 5,032,842
**Heading and speed data input required
The future today with FURUNO's electronics technology.
9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya City, Japan Phone: +81 (0)798 65-2111
Fax: +81 (0)798 65-4200, 66-4622 URL: www.furuno.co.jp
Autoplotter ARP-10
Optional Autoplotter ARP-10 acquires
5 targets automatically plus 5 targets
manually, or 10 targets manually.
All acquired targets are automatically
tracked with numerical displays of
range/bearing, speed/course, closest
point of approach (CPA), time to CPA
(TCPA) of an operator selected
target. The Autoplotter greatly
reduces the navigator's workload and
enhances normal radar navigation.
(Heading and speed data input required)
receiver tuning and anti-clutter ensures optimum system
performance, target detection and simplified radar
The Guard Zone Alarm* generates audio and visual
alarms when a target enters a user-defined area.
This alarm system can be switched to the Anchor Watch
Mode, where an alarm is generated when a target leaves
the area. The Economy Mode feature reduces power
consumption during stand-by.
When connected with appropriate nav sensors outputting
data in NMEA 0183 format, the MODEL 1932 MARK-2
can display the following information: ship's position in
L/L or Loran-C TDs, cursor position readout in L/L, ship's
speed, course and range/bearing to the targeted
waypoint, XTE, EBL readout in true bearing and a
Lollipop waypoint mark. In addition, you can select
North-up, Course-up and True Motion presentations as
well as Head-up. The cursor target L/L (TLL) and radar
system data (RSD) can be output in NMEA 0183 format
to a compatible video plotter or computer.
A tracked target message (TTM) can also be output from
the optional ARP-10.
NOW 4 KW !