Fundex Games B-Active Hip Hopscotch User Manual

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Hop ‘til you drop!



Take turns. On your turn, jump onto the Hop Pads in

numerical order. If there’s just one Pad of a number, you must land

on it with only one foot. If there are two Pads of the same number,

you must land with both feet at the same time, having one foot on

each Pad. If Pads are sideways or upside-down, you must land with

your foot (or feet) matching the direction of the number on the

Pad. Hop all the way from number 1 to number 10, and then spin

around and hop the course in reverse, from 10 back down to 1.

Double HoP PAD


You can assign special rules to this Hop

Pad, which you must do when you land on it. It can be placed

anywhere in your layout. Some ideas are: spin around, touch the

ground, shout something, sing something, clap, jump up and

click your heels together, kick and clap your hands under your leg,

yodel, say the alphabet, spell your name – jumping once for each

letter, do the splits… anything you can think of… or make up a

combination of moves. You must touch this Double Hop Pad with

both feet simultaneously at least once.

rounD HoP PAD


Like the Double Hop Pad, you can assign

your own special rules to this Round Hop Pad, but you may only

touch it with one foot or one hand.