Fagor America CNC8070 User Manual
Cnc 80 70, Operating manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- List of manuals
- Operating manual
- Preliminary warnings
- Introduction
- 1. General concepts
- 2. How to operate the CNC
- 3. Automatic mode
- 4. Manual (jog) mode
- 5. Manual (jog) mode. Tool calibration
- 6. Editing-simulation mode
- 6.1 Appearance of the editing - simulation
- 6.2 Editing window
- 6.3 Editing window (softkeys)
- 6.4 Graphics window
- 6.5 Graphic window (softkeys)
- 6.6 Program window
- 6.7 Program window (softkeys)
- 6.8 Statistics window
- 6.9 Profile editor
- 6.9.1 Operating procedure
- 6.9.2 Data editing
- 6.9.3 Profile definition
- 6.9.4 Circular profile definition
- 6.9.5 Rectangular profile definition
- 6.9.6 Defining any profile
- 6.9.7 Modify a profile and insert corners
- 6.9.8 Display area
- 6.9.9 Work plane definition
- 6.9.10 End
- 6.9.11 Profile editor. Example 1
- 6.9.12 Profile editor. Example 2
- 6.9.13 Profile editor. Example 3
- 7. MDI mode
- 8. User tables
- 9. Tool and magazine table
- 10. Utilities mode
- 11. PLC
- 11.1 Appearance of the PLC mode
- 11.2 "Programs" service
- 11.3 Program editing
- 11.4 Program editing (softkeys)
- 11.5 Program monitoring
- 11.6 Program monitoring (softkeys)
- 11.7 "Commands" service
- 11.8 "Outputs" service
- 11.9 "Logic analyzer" service
- 11.10 "Monitoring" service
- 11.11 "Cross references" service
- 11.12 "Statistics" service
- 11.13 "Messages" service
- 12. Machine parameters
- 13. Setup assistance
- 13.1 Oscilloscope
- 13.2 The Bode diagram
- 13.3 The circularity (roundness) test
- 13.3.1 Interface description
- 13.3.2 Configuring and executing the circularity (roundness) test
- 13.3.3 Configure the graphic environment
- 13.3.4 Define and execute the movement subroutine
- 13.3.5 Data capture for the graphic
- 13.3.6 Adjustment of the machine parameters involved
- 13.3.7 Validate the changes and save the configuration used
- 13.3.8 Machine parameters that may be modified
- 14. DDSSetup
- 15. Diagnosis
- New features V3.01