Introduction – Fender KXR 200 User Manual

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Your new Fender


KXR 200 keyboard amplifier is the result

of Fender's


ongoing dialog with many of today's top musi-

cians. The KXR 200 uses state of the art technology to
deliver clear, resonant and most importantly...musical

The KXR 200 is actually much more than a keyboard amp.
With its heavy-duty Fender


Special Design speaker and

dual piezo-electric horn, it could actually be classified as a
self-contained, portable P.A. system. The KXR 200 is suit-
able for almost any musical instrument requiring full-range
reinforcement, for example, electronic keyboards,
acoustic/electric guitar, electric violin and also vocals.
Compact packaging and high output power make the KXR
200 the perfect full-range instrument amplifier for
rehearsal, studio or performances.

The preamp section of the KXR 200 features four indepen-
dent channels. Channels one, two, and three each feature
a single 1/4 inch, high-impedance-input jack, a three-
band equalizer, a channel volume control, an effects send
control and a reverb send control. Emphasizing on vocal,
channel four is equipped with a low impedance XLR jack in
addition to the 1/4 inch jack. Furthermore, channel four
also features a four-band equalizer centered around the
vocal frequencies, while still covering the whole audible
audio spectrum. Channel four is also equipped with a
channel volume control, an effects send control and a
reverb send control. In addition to the features mentioned
above, each channel also possesses an independent effects
loop insertion point on the rear panel. This feature makes
the KXR 200 even more versatile.

The KXR 200 is also equipped with a master section which
contains a master volume control, an effect return control, a
reverb return control, an effects send jack, an effects return
jack, and a line-out portion comprising of a 1/4 inch and
XLR jacks.

The KXR 200 keyboard amplifier was designed to give
years of reliable service under all conditions and is
equipped with a unique implementation of our exclusive,
defeatable DELTACOMP


compressor system. When



is engaged, it is practically impossible to

cause the power amplifier to clip (distort). With DELTA-


, apparent compressor release time is kept short,

yet waveform distortion is kept to a minimum at low fre-

The selection of a Fender


amplifier will reward you with

years of quality music in a wide range of sonic possibilities.
This manual is designed to familiarize you with the features
and functions of your KXR 200 amplifier. Read this manu-
al carefully so you will benefit from these features as soon
as you start using your new Fender



The built-in quality of a Fender


amplifier is the result of

over four decades of dedication in the combined skills of
the Fender


design team. That’s why we proudly say,



... The Sound That Creates Legends.