Harley-Davidson BFR550 User Manual
Page 2

16. Insert wiring through hole and route under handlebar
into the headlamp nacelle. Fasten V-logo to shroud
cover using two panhead screws. Tighten securely.
17 With the halves of the headlamp nacelle parted slightly,
slide the handlebar clamp shroud onto the flange at the
top of the headlamp nacelle while positioning the flat
washer on the Phillips screw against the inside surface
of the nacelle. To secure the shroud to the nacelle,
tighten the Phillips screw to 10-20 in-lbs (1.1-2.3 Nm).
18. Install two Phillips screws to secure the handlebar
clamp shroud to the fork lock mechanism. Install the
fork lock plate.
19. Inserting the weld stud on the chrome strip into the hole
at the top of the headlamp nacelle, reach inside the
nacelle to install the speednut removed in Step 6.
Tighten to 10-20 in-lbs (1.1-2.3 Nm).
20. Install the wireform clip to secure the halves of the
nacelle together at the bottom.
21. Tighten the two acorn nuts on each side of the fork
studs to 18 ft-lbs (24.4 Nm).
22. See Figure 3. Locate the Turn Signal Multilock
Connector and unplug connector halves. Pull conduit
back to expose wires.
23. Following instructions in Service Manual under “Sealed
Butt Splice Connectors”, splice the wiring from the V-
logo to the left and right turn signal wires and to ground.
(Purple-to-Purple, Brown-to-Brown, Black-to-Black).
Mate the connector halves.
24. Install the wire connector at the back of the headlamp
25. Align holes in headlamp housing with those in
headlamp nacelle (headlamp door bracket at bottom).
Install seven Phillips screws.
26. Fit the square-shaped portion of the headlamp door
spring into the slot at the top of the headlamp housing
and then snap the headlamp door (chrome ring) into
place. Install the Phillips screw at the bottom of the
headlamp door.
27. Following instructions in Service Manual, install the
28. Connect battery cables.
Always connect the positive battery cable first. If the
positive cable should contact ground with the negative
cable installed, the resulting sparks may cause a battery
explosion which could result in death or serious injury.
2 of 3
Figure 3. Headlamp Nacelle
Turn Signal
and Wiring
Back to
Figure 2. Handlebar Clamp Shroud
i02099. eps
Drill Hole
Page 3 of this instruction sheet is the template.