Ilford Ortho Plus Black and White Negative Film (120 Roll Film) User Manual
Ortho plus, Technical information, Black and white orthochromatic film

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Oct 2019
technology Limited
black and white film was originally designed as a high-resolution copy film, however it
is suitable for other in camera applications including high quality portrait and landscape photography.
The blue and green sensitivity enables the film to be handled in deep red safelight and allows processing by
inspection where required.
For copy work this versatile film allows you to fine-tune the contrast by the choice of developer, the exposure
given and the development time making it possible to achieve an accurate reproduction of most black and
white originals, or to maintain a clean background in copies of combined line and continuous tone originals.
For use as a high-resolution camera film, Ortho Plus can be processed to pictorial contrast. Its lack of red
sensitivity is often unimportant for many subjects and can even give an unusual / desirable effect to images
having red or orange hues (reds appear much darker than normal).
Ortho Plus 35mm film is coated on 0.125mm/5-mil acetate base and is available in
36 exposure DX coded cassettes, suitable for all 35mm cameras.
Cassettes are
DX coded for ISO 80 (Daylight)
Ortho Plus 120 roll film is coated on 0.125mm/5-mil acetate base and is edge
numbered 1 to 19. The base has excellent anti-halation properties.
Ortho Plus sheet film is coated on 0.180mm/7-mil polyester base with an anti-
halation backing which clears during development. The emulsion faces the user
when sheet film is held in the position shown opposite.
If processed and stored properly, ORTHO Plus film has excellent archival storage properties.
The figures below, which apply to ORTHO Plus film developed to normal contrast in ILFORD ID-11 developer,
provide a guide to exposure:
Daylight sources ISO 80/20°
Tungsten sources ISO 40/17°
135 Cassettes are DX Coded ISO 80. For tungsten work
a manual ISO setting of 40 should be used. Alternatively,
a 1 stop exposure correction can be made.
Wedge spectrogram to tungsten light