Basic operation – Samson Carbon 61 - USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller User Manual

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Carbon 61 · USB/MIDI Keyboard Controller

The VOLUME fader sends MIDI information to control the performance of the de-

vice that is connected to the keyboard. The factory setting is channel volume, but

can be assigned to another parameter in Edit Mode. Refer to the section Edit Mode

(p.14) for details.

The DATA knob sends MIDI information to control the performance of the device

that is connected to the keyboard. The factory setting is pan control, but can be

assigned to another parameter in Edit Mode. Refer to the section Edit Mode (p.14)

for details.

The PITCH BEND wheel is used to bend notes played on the keyboard by raising or

lowering the pitch. The response and range of this controller is based on the patch

or sound source that is being controlled. The pitch bend wheel is spring-mounted

and will return to the center position when it is released.

SUSTAIN Pedal Input

You can connect a momentary footswitch or damper pedal to the rear panel SUS-

TAIN Pedal input. The default setting for the pedal input is sustain (CC #64). You can

assign another function to the pedal input in Edit Mode. Refer to the section Edit

Mode (p.14) for details.
When the keyboard is powered on, it will detect the polarity of a connected pedal.

To reverse the pedal’s polarity, press the pedal when powering on the keyboard.

Basic Operation