PLANET VIP-101T User Manual

PLANET VIP-101T Web Configuration Guide
Configuring and monitoring your VIP-101T from web browser
The VIP-101T integrates a web-based graphical user interface that can cover most configurations
and machine status monitoring. Via standard, web browser, you can configure and check machine
status from anywhere around the world.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Overview on the web interface of VIP-101T
- Preparation before beginning web administration on VIP-101T
- Checking TCP/IP settings on Windows 95/98
- Checking TCP/IP settings on Windows NT
- Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 2000:
- Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows XP
- Manipulation of VIP-101T via web browser
- Network Configurations
- H.323 Configurations
- System Configurations
- Password, Commit Data, Reboot, Version Information, and Firmware up- grade Configurations
- Firmware upgrade in TFTP mode via web interface