Ascaso – Ascaso Steel BAR User Manual

Page 11

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STEEL BAR UM2id OK 2012.FH11 Mon Jun 04 16:49:04 2012 Página 11

bed as velvet.

Insert steam no­


into the

centre milk just

below the surfa­

ce of the milk. .

O p e n s t e a m


Steam will come out of the nozzle and

froth the milk. We change the angle

slowly between the surface until you

create a whirlpool effect (air circulation).

Once textured, the milk volume will in­

crease (double size). Please , lift the jug

progressively to make sure that the

steam nozzle is always right below the

surface of the milk. Once textured, the

milk volume will increase. After the tex­

tured /frothed process, the milk is textu­

red but is cold.

2) TEMPERATURE : Heating milk (ste­

amed milk)

Once you have

the milk texture

correct ( velvet

effect), lower the
steam wand


into the milk and

complete the

h e a t i n g


nozzle (going

sidewise) and keep it in that position

finishing heating milk with circulating

movements until the jug is too warm to

touch or reach the required temperature.

Attention : For texturising you must work

below the milk surface. For heating, you

must work going to jug sidewise .

Please remember that milk should never

be steamed over app. 75ºC (168ºF).

Milk steamed to over this temperature

is scalded and will lost its propierties for

a perfect cappuccino. When you finish
steam operation, turn off handle



Advice : The espresso is extracted a

temperature of approximately 90ºC.

When you heat your milk it will be about

50-70ºC- You must heat the cups in your

cupwarmer area. If not, heat the cups

with ho water prior tu use.

Once you have heated (steamed) and

textured (frothed) milk, you are ready to

serve in your cup, adding it in your es­

presso base.

Troubles : Thin flat milk.

1) If milk has previously been steamed

and stored in the refrigerator, we suggest

adding some fresh milk in order to achie­

ve optimum foam.

2) Is the result of not introducing air into

the milk as you heat it and not texture

(froth) it.

Attention: If you use steam or hot water

for a long time ( without stop) you must

wait a few seconds for the boiler obtain

pressure. The optimun pressure is

1/1,5 bar

Important: We recom­

mend running steam

through the wand for a few

seconds (5'') after each

use to clean and prevent

clogging. To clean the

absorption hole, you can

use a toothpick or a pa­

perclip. This will ensure the

tube is free of blockages.


Preparation of hot water

1-. Put a cup under the water pipe


2-. Turn On the handle


to obtain

water.Do the opposite operation after

having obtained the required water.


Maintenance and


General warning: Cleaning and mainte­

nance should be done when the appliance

is cold and disconnected from the mains.

Do not immerse the appliance in water. It

should not be cleaned in a dishwasher.

1-. Cleaning the outside: To clean the

outside of the machine, use alcohol 96º

or specific products for inox.

Remove the tray regularly and clean

If the machine is not to be used for some

time, empty the water reservoir.

Clean the steam tube with a damp cloth

immediately after use. To clean the inside

of the steam tube, allow the water to

circulate. To clean the absorption hole,

you can use a toothpick or a paperclip.

This will ensure the tube is free of bloc­


2-. Internal cleaning: To obtain top

quality espresso coffee it is vital to clean

the inner workings of the machine. To

clean the interior of the distribution unit,

use Ascaso Coffee Washer. This pro­

duct is also useful to prevent limescale

buildup in the machine. Regular desca­

ling will contribute to ensuring top quality

coffee and it will prolong the useful life

of the machine.Consult your distributor.

Coffee Washer use recommendations:

To avoid limescale buildup, you can also

use water treatment filters.

However, it is advisable to clean the

machine in accordance with con­

sumption. Using filters and Coffee Was­

her will help to maintain the coffee ma­

chine in optimum working condition for


Important It is advisable not to leave the

pod or ground coffee in the filterholder.

Otherwise, coffee will build up affecting

the taste of the coffee. Should this occur,

run a load of water through the system.

3-. Cleaning the filterholders and the


Mobile filterholder: Wash the filterholder

in hot water with a neutral detergent.

Rinse thoroughly. Dry the filterholder

with a soft cloth. Do not wash it in the


The filters, tray and reservoir can be

cleaned in the top of the dishwasher. If

you wash them by hand, do not forget

to rinse thoroughly. Dry with a soft cloth.

Use a brush or similar item to remove

coffee residue from the showerhead.






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every month


every 2 months


every 3 months

