Spectec SDC-001A/003A (Palm) User Manual
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HARDWARE: SPECTEC CO., LTD (SDC-001A / SDC-003A) Warrants to the original end-
user “Customer”that SPECTEC branded products will be free from defects in
workmanship and material under normal use for 90 days from the original
SOFTWARE: SPECTEC CO., LTD. (SDC-001A / SDC-003A) warrants to the end-user
“Customer”that SDC-001A / SDC-003A Palm CAMERA software, the SDC-001A / SDC-003A
Palm camera soft-ware performs a compatible product in substantial conformance to the
specifications for 90 days from the original purchase date.
EXCLUSION: This warranty excludes (a) physical damage to the surface of the product
including scratches, crack, or outside casing; (b) damage causedby mishandle,
disregard, incorrect installation or testing, unauthorized endeavor to open, repair or
any other cause beyond the range of the intend use; (c) damage cause by accident,
fire, power changes, acts of God or risks; (d) other products with any non SDC-001A
camera compatible, if this product causes the problem.
PURCHASEING WARRANTY SERVICE: Its necessary for customer to contact SDC-001A
/ SDC-003A camera representatives or near by authorized stores with theapplicable
warranty period. Require a receipt or warranty card for the original purchase date.
SPECTEC is not liable for customer products accepted without a warranty, service au-
thorization provided it might be refused.
Thanks for choosing the SDC-001A / SDC-003A Palm Camera, SPECTEC and any Autho-
rized stores are pleased to serve you if any difficult issues occurred.