Operation – United States Stove Company 4840 User Manual

Page 10

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After properly installing your heater, you will need to attach the electrical cord to the right side blower housing fi rst; then plug it

into a 110-volt outlet (an outlet surge protector is highly recommended).


You must perform an initial burn in this appliance before installing it in your home or garage. This process is to ensure that the

appliances is functioning correctly, to cure the high temperature paint and burn off any oil that is present in the sheetmetal components
of the combustion chamber. For the initial burn, only add a small amount of fuel, approximately 4-5 lbs. or about the amount to fi ll
a 2 lb. coffee can. Operate the appliance on the 3 or 4 heat setting for approximately 30 minutes to an hour. There will probably be
a small amount of smoke or fumes irradiating from the appliance during this process. Follow the Start-Up procedure below to begin
your burn.


 Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fl uid, or similar liquids to start or “freshen up” a fi re in

this heater. Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it is in use.

1. Verify that the hopper is clean and free of foreign matter.
2. Fill the hopper with wood pellets; do not allow any part of the bag or any other foreign material into the hopper, as this may

jam the auger.

3. Ensure that all pellet matter is cleared from the hopper seating surface.
4. Close the hopper lid. The unit WILL NOT feed fuel with the hopper lid open.
5. Verify that there is no pellet fuel, ash, or foreign matter in the burn-pot before starting the appliance.
6. Make sure that the viewing door and combustion door is securely closed (the safety switch will not allow the heater to feed

fuel if they are left open.

7. Press the “ON” button on the control pad and set the “heat RANGE” to your desired setting. The ON light will be fl ashing

and the light corresponding with the heat setting will be light.

What will happen next...


The heater will begin to feed fuel and the exhaust (draft) blower is running. Note that the exhaust blower is pulsing. The auto-start

ignitor will ignite the fuel in approximately 5-10 minutes. In the start-up mode, the “ON” LED will fl ash until it reaches a factory
preset temperature. At that point, the “ON” LED will come on solid and the heater will begin to ramp up to your selected heat range.

The Room Air Blower will not function until the heater reaches a factory preset temperature.


Press the “OFF” button on the control pad to put the stove in shut down mode. At this time, the red light above the OFF will blink

and the “ON” light will go off. The auger will stop feeding pellets, but the distribution blower and exhaust blower will continue to
operate. When the internal temperature of the unit drops below the factory preset temperature, the distribution blower and exhaust
blower will cease to operate. The red light will then shut off and the unit will be completely shut down.

The hotter the unit is during its operation, the longer it will take for the stove to complete the shut down cycle. If the stove stays

on for more than 1 hour after pressing the “OFF” button and you are sure that the fi re is out, the stove can be unplugged from the
outlet. After approximately 10 seconds, the unit can be re-connected to the power source and the control board will be reset.