Definitive Technology Bipolar SuperTower BP7000SC User Manual
Definitive technology bp7000, Supertower speaker system, Praise the lord and pass the supertowers

H I G H - P E R F O R M A N C E T H E A T E R
moving experience (literally) that
you could easily find yourself
shouting, “Amen, brother!” and
“Crank it up!”—even if you’re the
strictest of the Amish. In fact,
plunk the Pope down in front of a
pair of these mighty towers belting
“You and Your Folks/23
and it’s quite possible that he’ll
sign up on the spot to be a key-
note speaker at the next Southern
Baptist convention. These speak-
ers are that good.
I’ve always liked Definitive
Technology’s approach. They build
great-sounding speakers that ordi-
nary folks like you and me can
afford. Does that mean that, if you
own a pair of fine MartinLogan or
Sonus Faber speakers, you should
dump them at your next garage
sale and buy a pair of Def Techs?
Not necessarily. Does it mean that,
when you scrape together your
leftover cash (after you’ve paid for
day care, signed this month’s
mortgage check, filled up a gro-
cer y cart, and bought a DVD or
two) and buy a pair of Def Tech
speakers, they’ll sound as if you
spent three or four times as
much? Damn straight.
Most of us equate the word value
with mid to lower price points,
probably because manufacturers
promote higher-priced gear on
aspects other than value. That puts
the BP7000
SuperTowers in a
somewhat difficult
predicament. At
$5,000 per pair
($7,495 for the
home theater
system that the
company sent me),
the SuperTowers
are certainly up
there when it
comes to what ordi-
nary schmoes like
me can afford, so
they’d better be a
I don’t know much about the
Blind Boys of Alabama. I assume
that these soulful gospel songsters
( being musical advocates of the
truth) are indeed blind, as well as
from Alabama. From the pictures
on their Higher Ground CD, it’s
pretty clear that they’re not boys.
However, since they’ve been
singing together for over 60 years,
they were no doubt qualifying
youngsters when the name stuck
for good. ( The Blind Boys-to-Men
of Alabama doesn’t have quite
the same ring, either.) What I do
know is that listening to Higher
“People Get
Ready” and
“ The Cross”
new over-the-
is such a fun-
Talk about an
all-in-one package:
The BP7000SC has
two tweeters, four
midrange drivers,
and a 14-inch woofer
that’s powered by an
1,800-watt amp.
The BPVX/P is a
bipolar surround
speaker with an
internal subwoofer.
The C/L/R3000
center speaker is the
lone direct-radiator
of the group.
Definitive Technology
SuperTower Speaker System
Praise the Lord and pass the SuperTowers.
by Darryl Wilkinson
Sound as if you spent three or four times as much
... these new creations are simply extraordinary
“Speakers that will
be equally welcome
in a symphony
conductor’s home
or the wildest
frat house”
“What a leap
this is ...
has taken an
step to the
next level”
“these speakers
are that good”