Spectrum Controls 140 ACI 051 00sc User Manual
Page 47

Installation Instructions
32-Channel Analog Input Module
Quantum Series 140 AxI 05x 00sc
Channel Update Rate
The module’s channel update rate is determined by the filter frequency
selection. A lower filter frequency takes longer to update each channel.
The following table shows the single channel update rate and 32 channel
update rate for each filter frequency.
1 channel
32 channel
Update Time
Update time
10 Hz
2.62 Hz
308 ms
9.9 sec
50 Hz
13.1 Hz
68 ms
2.2 sec
60 Hz
15.7 Hz
58 ms
1.9 sec
1K Hz
262 Hz
12 ms
384 ms
+ Note: Channel update time is the time required for the module to acquire an input sign and update
the module’s data registers. The scan rate of the Quantum system will vary with application
ladder and system configuration.
+ Note: Periodic system calibration will also effect channel update times for one scan cycle.
System Resolution and Accuracy
The system resolution listed below is the smallest input signal change that
the ADC can detect. The resolution level is affected by the filter fre-
quency selected.
10 Hz
22.5 Bits
3 µV
3 NA
50 Hz
20 Bits
19 µV
19 NA
60 Hz
20 Bits
19 µV
19 NA
1K Hz
10.5 Bits
14 mV
14 µA
The resolution levels for the voltage mode and current mode apply to the
full scale input ranges.
System accuracy is the total error between an actual input signal level
and the module output data value. System accuracy is effected by
external wiring, signal noise, filter frequency, calibration, temperature, and
output data formats. The table below lists that system accuracy verses
temperature for a 10hz filter with periodic calibration enabled.