Battery charging, Resetting the phone – Audiovox PC100 User Manual

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Battery Charging

The POCKETPHONE’S batlenes can be recharged by any ot the
following pieces ot eauipmeni: A/C Charger. Battery to Battery
Adapter, the temporary or permanent Car Charger Cables. When
the radio is connected to one ot the Chargers, the Battery

Indicator will read 'BC meaning "Battery Charging"
To recharge the batteries you simply plug m or connect the
appropriate charger; the POCKETPHONE does the rest. When the
batteries have been fully charged, the Charge light will (lash.
When using the Battery to Battery Charger make sure the 9 Volt
alkaline batteries are properly m place or the unit will not function
etfectivefy. The terminals are clearly marked + and — to assist
you when fitting new batteries into the unit. The POCKETPHONE

remains fully serviceable when the Battery to Battery Charger is


It it is unusually hot or cold, the batteries cannot be fully charged.

When this occurs, your POCKETPHONE will display either
‘CHARGED HOT or “RADIO TOO COLD". In this situation the battery
charger is automatically turned oft. To charge the batteries

fully, you must move your POCKETPHONE into a normal

temperature and wail for at least one hour before recharging.
The battery charge meter is designed to indicate the approximate

charge by measuring voltage. When the batteries are almost
depleted during a call the low battery tone is heard When you

hear this lone you should end your call as soon as possible, or
disconnection may result For satisfactory use o' your
POCKETPHONE you should keep it on charge as trequently as is
practical, although it is wise every tew days to allow the batteries

to run down and be given a full charge

Resetting the Phone

The reset feature allows you to return all the functions ot the

phone to their normal state. This is used only when the phone is
initially powered up or when the battery becomes too low. To
reset the phone, or to clear a problem that locking and unlocking

the phone will not cure, press and hold the ‘ T , "2". and ''3"

keys simultaneously for ten seconds.

Care of Your Pocketphone

and Generai Safety

Information V____________

Your POCKETPHONE is manufactured to the highest possible

standards, to give you Reliable, trouble-free service. It is designed
to withstand the demands of daily use. As with any sophisticated
piece ot"equipment, a certain amount ot care must be taken.

Please make sure that you follow these care instructions exactly,
as failure to do so may invalidate your warranty.

1. Keep your POCKETPHONE away from ail liquids and humidity.

2. Remember that there are no "user-serviceable ' parts in your
POCKETPHONE, Any problems should be referred to an authorized


3. When cleaning your POCKETPHONE use only a slightly damp
cloth, e.g., a mild solution of liquid soap and water.

4. The POCKETPHONE is a sealed unit and must not be opened

for any reason. Opening or removing the case will invalidate your


5- II you are using the telephone while driving, pull over before
answering or making a call.
6. To prevent radio interference, always lock the telephone when

travelling in an airplane.