Connecting your source components, Composite video connections (see figure 5), Line level audio connections – Arcam A/V Processor XETA 2 User Manual

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Audio inputs: Up to five different audio sources can be connected to the Xeta 2. Four inputs

are available for simultaneous audio and video, and one for audio only. AU inputs have the
same basic sensitivity and may be used witli equipment other than that labelled, if you need to
do so.

Video mputs: Up to four different video sources can be comiected to the Xeta 2 - VCR, Laser

Disc (LD), Satellite (SAT) and Auxihary (AUX). Tliis allows you to select the TV picture and
sound together and is particularly useful if your TV has only one video input.


Using a suitable pair of interconnect cables to connect each component, insert the red phono

plugs into the sockets labelled 'R' and the other plugs into the sockets labelled 'L', except for
the CENTRE and SUB OUT which require only one lead.

® SURROUND OUT - Provides two identical mono outputs for an external power ampUfier

or amphfiers for the rear channel speakers, if required.

(D SUB OUT - If you have an active (amphfied) subwoofer, connect it to this



MAIN FRONT OUT - Connect to the left & right fine inputs of an integrated amphfier, e.g.

'tape in', or to the inputs of a stereo power-amplifier. You must make a connection from these
sockets to another amphfier in order to hear the front left and right signals.


AUX - This is a fine level input which can be connected to the audio outputs of an additional

A/V source unit. When the Xeta 2 is connected in an ampfifier’s tape loop then the AUX
input should be connected to the TAPE OUT connections of the main amphfier.

0 VCR IN - Comiect this input to your video cassette recorders (VCR's) audio output.

® VCR OUT - Connect this output to your video cassette recorder's (VCR’s) audio input.

® SAT - Connect this input to your SateUite TV decoder's audio output.

® LD - This input is compatible with Laser Disc (LD), Compact Disc Interactive (CD-I) or a

VIDEO CD player. Connect this input to the player's audio output.

TAPE CONNECTIONS - Use these sockets only if you have connected the Xeta 2 into the

tape loop of your main amphfier. If not, you should leave your tape deck connected to your
main amphfier.

© TAPE IN - Connect this input to your audio cassette deck’s output (usuahy labeUed PLAY or

OUT). If you are not using the TAPE IN for your cassette deck it may be used for another line
level source such as a CD player.

® TAPE OUT - Connect this output to your cassette deck’s input (usually labelled RECOPJD

or IN).

© CENTIME OUT - Provides an output for an external amphfier for the centre speaker, if required.

In order to display the On Screen Graphics menus used in setting up and cahbratir^ the unit
you must make a cormection from the composite (base band) video MONITOR OUTPUT
@ of the Xeta 2 to your TVs composite video input. If your TV does not have a composite
video input see page 8 for a BASIC SET UP method without the use of On Screen

Graphics. Note that a remodulated (R.F.) output is not available on the Xeta 2.

You wiU need a number of 75 ohm composite video cables terminated with phono plugs
to comiect your A/V equipment to the composite video inputs and outputs of the Xeta 2.

Figure 5

® LD - Connect this input to your LASERDISC'S video output. This input is also compatible

with CD-I or a Video CD player.

® SAT - Connect this input to your satelhte TV decoder's composite video output.

® VCR OUT - Connect this output to your VCR's video input.


VCR IN - Connect this input to your VCR's video output.

® AUX - This input can be used for the video output of a camcorder, or a second VCR.

Note : Any of the above inputs can also be used to accept the video output of a TV tuner,
such as the Arcam Delta 150.